77. Ophelia's demonstration

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This was for Shayley and Ophelia. He was happy that they got along. When Ophelia finished her food, she scurried away with Tiki for a second to change.

"She's something else isn't she?" Shayley observed as she lovingly waved goodbye. "Unfortunately, at this rate I don't think we'll be able to take that tour around the city. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, this was always about having you two grow closer. She's been without anyone for so long that she's been grasping at any relationships she can get her hands on. You can tell she was especially fond of her late mother by the way she acts around you." Cal smiled tenderly.

"She's lived such a sad life."

"Not anymore, not if I have anything to do about it."

Something short dashed from where Ophelia had disappeared to change. It did a flip and there stood Ophelia standing on the banister. She was wearing knives a short sword and what looked like a small cleaver. She had a red handkerchief around her neck and a black leather naval cloak. She looked like a tiny Calloway. With a tiny tricorn hat to match.

"Welcome one and all!" She raised her hands in the air.

"This seems oddly familiar." Shayley whispered to Cal.

"Don't look at me, this wasn't my idea." Cal leaned back in his chair, but the smile on his face said he couldn't be more pleasantly surprised.

"Is she going to be okay standing on the banister?"

Cal shrugged, "honestly, I'm more worried about her hurting someone else. She's a fighter."

Ophelia continued grandstanding. "My assistant, if you please."

Tiki came into view with three wooden plates.

"And throw them."

Tiki did as she was instructed. She threw them in the air and Ophelia flung her hands at them.

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

They landed on the floor with a small knife in the center of each one.

The room clapped.

"Now, I'll need a volunteer. Would any of the aunties like to step up. Or are you scared?" Ophelia teased.

Cal and Shayley giggled with anticipation.

"Oh no, nobody calls me scared." Flamel snickered playfully.

"I don't think, I've met you yet auntie. Please introduce yourself to the room."

"I'm Flamel of the air clan, nice to finally meet you Ophelia."

"We shall engage in combat. Assistant if you please..."

Tiki gave Flamel a wooden training sword. She took it and tried to get the weight of it.

"Are you sure you want to do this little miss, I could hurt you?" Flamel held the sword in front of her.

"Papa always told me that if you run away from everything bigger and stronger, that you'll be running all your life. Which means if I want to be like him, I can't be scared anymore."

"There's a difference between courage and recklessness, Cal." Flamel tossed over her shoulder, his response was a shrug.

"Are you ready?" Ophelia pointed her sword at Flamel.

The peanut gallery began taking bets. Mostly in Ophelia's favor.

"Ready." Flamel held up her sword.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora