50. Pride of the Guilds

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"Greatest Swordsman my Ass!" Alea fumed. She was wearing her complete outfit like she was going to war.

When she heard that her master called another elemental the greatest swordsman she couldn't just take that laying down.

She bounded down the stairs from Yvette's home where she had been staying the last few days. She had been bored with her lack of challenge, but found Yvette's company satisfying after she'd had those delicious fish.

However, this indiscretion was too much.

Siegfried sat at one of the tables under the loft with the rest of the Lightening Elementals chatting about their exhibition with the Valkyries the day before. Cal had taken off this morning on another of his whimsical escapades, only Shayley knew the context this time and said he merely left on an errand.

The moment Alea saw Yvette serving their table drinks, she had had enough.

"Siegfried Lightening!" Alea shouted.

Those around turned to see a furious high elemental ready for combat.

Siegfried peeked at her by leaning back, his hair and mask still blocking his eyes though it appeared as though he could see through the eye of the mask.


"I am the greatest swordsman in this city, I challenge you to a duel!" Alea shouted.

"Boss?" Siegfried looked towards Joltiana for permission with a sober grin.

Joltiana was the declared High Elemental of the Lightening clan. Without their master present, Joltiana was their highest authority. However, her demeanor resembled a gang leader over a council member.

"Master said this would happen," she leaned forward. "Alea, right? Are you sure you are ready?"

Alea's jaw twitched.

"I have my pride, Lightening. I have no issue with my Valkyries having some entertainment, but I cannot overlook my swordsmanship being called into question."

"Very well, in such a circumstance I was given a simple instruction. Siegfried, Alea, 'take it outside'."

Siegfried grabbed his blade that was leaning against the table. He bowed to Yvette and thanked her for the beverage.

When she smiled at him, Alea's heart ached. But she couldn't understand why through her seething anger.

She stormed out the door pushing passed Yvette.

Naomi leaned over to Yvette, "what crawled up her butt?"

Yvette shook her head. "She's always been the best, so when master said someone was better it must have been a really kick in her lazy ass."

Only Naomi noticed Yvette clenching her fist in her skirts after Alea shoved passed her.

"Hm? That's a really astute observation, it sounds like you've been getting along with her better than you've been letting on." Naomi teased.

"Hmph, it doesn't take much to read a prideful feline like her."

"You say that, but why are you going outside to watch?"

"I merely mean to keep them away from the guests."

Naomi smiled knowingly, "it's your day off, you don't have to do that."

Yvette didn't say anything as she followed Alea and the Lightening elementals outside.

Nyana leaned over the banister, "what's the meowtter?"

Naomi looked up, "Alea challenged Siegfried to a duel!"

Nyana's ears perked. She turned behind her and shouted. "Yan, we got a duel out front!" She flipped over several tables and out the loft doors onto the balcony.

In a flash of movement all the food and drinks that Yan had were delivered to their owners. She turned into a blur as she dashed between the tables.

The Dravenkin tossed their orders in the air and they fell precisely where they needed to be perfectly. They each made their way to the balcony as well. Webs was able to leap over all the tables. Clu's giant form easily glided between the chairs. Don slipped over the tables. But Dinus was many times less elegant as he stumbled over several customers, without hurting anyone, but it was still quite the spectacle when compared to his peers.

"Miss Wendy, what is happening?" One of the female customers asked, disappointed that the hot elven men had left so suddenly.

Wendy gave a courteous bow, "please understand, we are a guild first and a café second. Our staff are all eager Adventurers, and other then my daughters they haven't been out much. Besides, this should be an interesting bout. The air high elemental of Brother Calloway vs the lightening elemental of the Guildmaster. In a way isn't it a match between the North Wind and Verdant Oathkeepers, which guild is superior? With two guilds pride on the line shall we find out who is superior?" Wendy teased loud enough for most of the café to hear.

And it worked, most of the guests were curious and went out to the balcony as well.

"Wendy?" a small voice yawned.

Ophelia had woken up from her nap and came out to the café with Tiki.

Wendy bent down to speak to her.

"Something exciting is about to happen outside, would you like to watch?"

"Is papa back yet?"

"He'll be back soon, baby girl."

"Okay." She rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Shall we go with Wendy and see what all the excitement is about lady Ophelia?" Tiki asked.

"Sure," Ophelia took Wendy's hand and was led outside. 

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now