Down by the bay, where the Scary pirates play

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Back down at the docks in a separate room in the building under the name Kadoka's fluffy dragon a very unhappy elf glared daggers at Cal.

"Jerry," Cal greeted.

"Cadbury," Gerald fired back.

Cal admitted that they hadn't had the best first meeting, what with the sword to the face, the brawl that scared away all his customers, and throwing his wife through a wall.

On top of that Gerald had even more reason to act suspicious, Cal had brought along three figures cloaked in shadow. Cal gave Gerald credit for sensing their presence.

"Can we get down to business, this is terribly inconvenient." Gerald glared.

Kadoka elbowed him in the gut. "Be nice to my captain, he had something really important her wanted to tell us."

"I don't owe him anything but the bill for a new wall. Why don't you introduce us to your guests, Captain?"

"I'm going to be honest Gerald, all joking aside, I apologize for any slight toward you and your loved ones." Cal bowed his head.

The formal seriousness of Cal's apology put Gerald off guard. "...Just don't let it happen again."

Cal smiled wickedly as if to say 'no promises'. He then motioned for the three with him to removed their hoods. They were invisibility items, Cal decided that it was time to break them out, since traveling with the princess and two sylvan knights was a target Cal didn't want on his back right now.

"Miss Flamel! Forgive my rudeness!" Gerald saluted abruptly.

Shayley leaned into Cal's ear, "I'm the princess and your Kadoka's captain, but Flamel is the one he's apologizing to?"

Cal just shrugged.

"Gerald, you sneaky bastard. So this is where you've been hiding." Flamel smiled. She looked at Kadoka who was becoming increasingly self-conscious under her gaze.

Gerald took the cue, he stiffly stood behind the petite beauty and little girl. "Miss Flamel, these are my wife and daughter. The captain of the Fluffy Dragon, Kadoka. And our pride and joy, Loacoda."

"I still can't believe you snagged a girl. I was wondering what kind of woman you went for."

Shayley was having the oddest since of déjà vu.

"I had no idea you knew each other?" Cal asked Flamel.

"Gerald joined shortly after the migration, he was one of my best subordinates. He was efficient, and like the rest of my clan he always found his home on the battlefield. But he was always so stiff. I sent him on a mission once, nothing big, but when he came back two weeks later he had a big grin on his face and announced his retirement. It was the first time I ever saw him smile without a sword in his hand. And I haven't seen him since."

"Kadoka has a certain charm that only those with a matching peculiarity can appreciate." Cal smiled as if were bragging.

Shayley leaned into Cal's ear again. "Judging by the fact they have a daughter, I'd say their peculiarities quite enjoy matching."

Gisela gasped, "Princess!"

"Reuniting with an old friend is surely refreshing, but why did we have to come here in such a hurry?" Flamel finally looked like she had recovered from her earlier trauma.

"As you surely know, one night Kadoka and Gerald matched peculiarities in a particularly effective manner, waited for the oven to ring, and popped out a Tiny."

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now