16. Disciple, please drag me from this place.

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It had been two days since anyone had visited her. The guards delivered her food, but they could hardly be considered conversationalists. Not even that weird pirate guy showed up again after saying he was bored and left with the mysterious five tailed fox.

Naomi laid in bed and stared at the starlit sky. "That loser pirate, what did he even want?"

Slurppppp. "I wanted to know why you were in here, your crime, and your reason."

"AAGHAA." Naomi screamed as she fell out of her bed. She looked passed the prison bars to see a man drinking tea on the ground by candlelight. "Cal, what the hell!"

"I know your crime, but not your reason. At least not from your lips."

"What are you talking about?"

"Why do you answer everything with a question, showing your ignorance?"

Naomi pouted.

"..." Cal scowled, then sipped his tea. "Pout all you want, but I'm here to offer you a way of out of this cell and a chance to see your family again."

"You can do that!"

"SHHHH! You may be the only prisoner down here right now so your voice echoes off the walls like a banshee." He pulled his fingers out of his ears. "And yes, I have an offer but it comes with some conditions."


"First, stop answering my questions with questions. Spit out some real answers!"


"That's it I'm out, and I'm taking my offer with me." Cal got up to leave.

"No, wait. I'll answer your questions, don't go!"

"You'll answer my questions finally?"

"Yes, yes. I'll tell you whatever you want to know!"

"Good," Cal sat back down. "Why did you deface the Brother Calloway monuments, do you hold some grudge against him?"

"No, it's not like that. I admire Brother Calloway, when I was a child he played with my sister and I. He was gentle, kind, and goofy. He was my friend. But those monuments and the formation of a church truly do not honor his memory as a kind man. They want to make him out to be some kind of soulless god who creates and leaves, but he wasn't, he was a gentle soul with finite power!"

"Haha! That- that is brilliant! That is what I wanted to hear. Congratulations Naomi, I knew you were interesting!"

"So you're not going to call me a heretic?"

"Nope, I am an eccentric of the same mind. In fact, I have personally replaced all the truly heretical statues with my own."

"You did what!"

"Stop shouting, and yes! It took all day though, and I missed most of the smaller ones. I just erased their faces... Speechless I see, on to business then. I am here to make you a deal. I am to make you my disciple. Swear your fealty to me as your master. It's a contract of indentured servitude so to speak, but it will get you out of here."

"So that's your game, you want to start a contradictory cult, and you mean to make me your slave. I'd sooner die!"

"Calm down, you're so loud. Slave is such a dirty word, let's go with loyally -and legally- bound disciple. And I'm not going to start a church or cult. I'm going to start an Adventurers guild, with you as its first illustrious member."

"Now I know you're crazy, there hasn't been a good adventurer's guild in Pearl City since the North Wind."

"I know exciting isn't it. The challenge, the intrigue, the doubt of the many! It's magnificent the glory could be spectacular!"

"It's a death sentence!"

"No, it's a life sentence. Think about it, when are you more grateful for life then when you are about to die."

"You're mad."

"I've been called worse things, but adventure is out there. Don't you want to experience it? Naomi, let's go on an adventure."

"You're not like the other Elves here, where do you hail from that you have such an attitude?"

"You're answering with questions again."


"I can make this simple. Do you want to see your family again?"

She was stuck, she had no real reason to turn him down. She sighed, "Fine I accept."

Instantly, Cal held a pen and paper through the bars.

"What is this?" She asked while taking them.

"A formal contract."

"Whatever... is this the Princess's signature!"

"Aye," Cal took the contract back after she signed it. "Everything seems to be in order."

Companion obtained: Naomi Starchaser.

Although Slavery isn't common among the elves, it has never been abolished. Therefore, slaves can be found roaming elven homes, although usually as indentured servants paying off a debt rather than being treated as a second class citizen.

Naomi Starchaser: second daughter of Peter and Wendy Starchaser. Trouble maker, prone to answering questions with questions and never going anywhere with the conversation. Brash and unyielding, she holds strongly to her beliefs and will lay down her life for her family.


Level 21 Rogue/Trickster

Health 9,073/9,073

Mana 5,323/5,323

Stamina 8,746/8,746

Strength 14

Constitution 12

Dexterity 45

Intelligence 14

Wisdom 13

Charisma 7

"Alright, now get me out of here." Naomi pouted.

"You must now address me as sir, master, my lord, or senpai."

Naomi groaned dispirited already. "Master, free me from this cell, please."

"Right away."

Cal stepped back and the jailer, the princess, the sylvan knights and over half of the members of the council of guardian elements stepped into view. Naomi shrank back as her prison was opened.

"I recognize the contract made between Naomi and her master. You are free from this prison and now in his care." The Princess announced.

"Cal, just who are you?" Naomi timidly emerged from her cell.

"I'm just a being with a gentle soul and finite power." He smirked.

The princess socked him in the stomach, "Stop trying to act all cool in front of other girls."

Cal doubled over and fell on the ground in a grand show. "Ow." He held up one hand to Naomi and spoke with an old man voice. "Disciple, please drag me from this place, I have business elsewhere."

From start to finish Silvia hid her laughter but now it was too much, her hysterical foxy laugh echoed through the dungeon. 

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now