Bucky Barnes -8-

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Bucky had met you the first day he'd come out of cryo in Wakanda

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Bucky had met you the first day he'd come out of cryo in Wakanda. You were standing there, right beside the princess Shuri, looking like an angel of hope and peace with such a warm, kind smile. Since then, you'd become great friends, and Bucky was scared if he said anything about his feelings, those of which had only grown every moment he spent with you, it would ruin your friendship. He could never risk that, and so he stayed silent- until the day you nearly died.

You had gone for a swim in the lake just outside Bucky's hut of a home and didn't see the large, metal object hurtling from the sky down through the barrier around Wakanda. He shouted for you to get out of the water, but it was too late and you found yourself pushed deep underwater from the blow, half-conscious. Bucky gritted his teeth, strapped on his old metal arm, and dove in to save you. When you emerged together from the lake, dripping wet and Bucky carrying your weak body bridal style, the citizens all around, and the royal siblings themselves, all cheered for him. It was strange to the super soldier, not having heard praise towards him in many years, and it finally gave him the courage to tell you something special when you blinked open your eyes.

"I love you."

A smile spread across your face, warm and kind as always.

"I love you, too."

(The large metal object falling from the sky turned out to be one of Shuri's projects gone very wrong. She apologized for the 'mishap'  but insisted that if it had not have happened, you and Bucky would still be keeping your feelings for each other silent.)

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