Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff -2-

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Steve Rogers'd had his eyes on you for quite a while

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Steve Rogers'd had his eyes on you for quite a while. You were his neighbor, living in the apartment next to his in NYC for a few years after he woke up in the modern world. You were kind, sweet, and completely badass when necessary. He confided his hopes, dreams, miseries, and fears in you. When the Sokovia Accords were brought to the attention of the UN, you knew there would be trouble. You warned Steve that his friend James Barnes (who had disappeared after the fall of SHIELD and was considered a murderer by many, many people) would be sought after, and the people looking wouldn't be too friendly. So when Steve went looking for his friend, you tagged along. In this venture, you met Black Widow, who soon also had her gaze on you.

"Who's the girl?"

Nat asked this, noticing Steve's strong gaze on you as you examined the grimy hideout.

"Y/N. Better stay back, Agent Romanoff. She's mine."

"Oh, really?"

"... Well, almost."

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