Tony Stark -15-

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You were Tony's everything

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You were Tony's everything. You were the light of his life, the reason he always got up and kept going. Without you, he would be lost, adrift, and depressed beyond measure. You were also a member of the Avengers, so you had just about the same dangers in your job as Tony, but there was one thing that put you in more danger from your enemies than the other Avengers. You had the power to see the future and freeze time for very short instances. With this, you had prevented quite a few near-apocalypses in the last few years, but now something not even you could have seen coming had happened.


Now, you laid broken and battered on the ground of an alien planet, the purple monstrous destroyer standing over you, smirking. Behind you, Tony screamed, unable to help you as he was trapped in place by the villain's power over the Power Stone. He and your other companions could only watch as Thanos grinned mercilessly, taunting, "I hope they remember you." As his hand raised, the fist that wore the Infinity Gauntlet clenching, you paused the scene around you for just one moment. You looked back at Tony, who wore a terror-stricken, pained expression. You mouthed to him, "I love you," then resumed time to face your inevitable fate.

Tony's heartbroken face was the last thing you ever saw.

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