Clint Barton -11-

978 25 13

"Babe? Y/N/N? Can we cuddle?"

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"Babe? Y/N/N? Can we cuddle?"

You sighed and ruffled your boyfriend's hair, replying regretfully, "Not today, darling, I have to finish this paperwork before nine or Fury will have my head." Clint gasped loudly. You looked up from your desk again to see him leaning against the wall, the back of his hand on his forehead, and you opened your mouth to protest what you knew was coming, but didn't get the chance.

"Not today, she spat it in my face!"


"Not today, not even second base!"


"Not today, the words I heard her say: not today, not today, not today!"

Y/N buried her face in her hands and groaned as Tony, Nat, and Rhodey cackled around her. Clint kissed the top of her head affectionately and as she tried to swat away his incoming hug, Tony teased, "You brought this upon yourself, Y/N!"

"I know, and I seriously regret ever introducing you-" She said this directed to Clint. "-to the musical cult that is Broadway."

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