Bucky Barnes -12-

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"Steve, are you sure-"

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"Steve, are you sure-"

"Yes, just go, go!"

You put the pedal to the metal on the motorbike and sped after the man your best friend so desperately wanted to catch. Steve's arms, wrapped around your waist, stiffened as the man looked back and met your gazes. There was something oddly familiar in his eyes, but you couldn't quite place it until he glanced back a second time. A feeling of awe swept over you and you almost crashed the bike into another vehicle in your shock.

"Is that really the-"

"Yes, hurry!"

You bit your tongue to hold back a sharp retort, frustrated that he was assuming your questions before you even asked them, but sped up nonetheless. The man whose identity you were pretty sure of now ducked down an alley and you pulled the bike up to a stop, leaping off and giving chase on foot. Within a minute, you and Steve had caught up and a fierce fight ensued in a small, back-end plaza. When you were finally able to get close enough to him to meet his eyes, you pulled down your sleeve and showed him the red star brand on your titanium left shoulder. He blanched and paused, the hesitation allowing Steve to knock him out from behind. You sighed and knelt beside the man, studying his metal arm, strikingly like your own, with curiosity.

"Steve... why didn't you tell me we were following my predecessor?"

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