Loki -18-

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It was a joyous occasion for many on this day, for a wedding of lovely but small measure was to take place

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It was a joyous occasion for many on this day, for a wedding of lovely but small measure was to take place. It was the wedding of Y/N and Loki, with only a select few invited, and the ceremony was due to take place late in the afternoon. The wedding was hosted outdoors, and luckily the weather cooperated splendidly; the sun shone bright, the breeze was light, and the temperature was a lovely 67° F (or 19.4° C). Everything went exactly as planned. Y/N walked down the aisle in the adornments chosen for this important day. Odin stiffly handed his wife Frigga tissues as she cried with joy. Thor threw the flowers as he went down the aisle (a duty the thunder god himself had requested). And their vows went smoothly with only a slight bit of tearing up- and that, to be fair, went for both of them. The reception was short but charming and soon enough, Loki and Y/N were on their way home, where they would pack up and then head to where they planned to spend their honeymoon. Loki, somehow, had become ridiculously drunk during the reception and when they were driving away to waving and cheering, the prince of mischief lived up to his name. He stuck his head and arms out of the window on his side and shouted in triumph.

Y/N only laughed, the smile on her face never faltering. He was triumphant for good reason. They had been through so much together, and finally, after all this time, they had made it.

They had made it.

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