Loki & Thor -1-

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You just couldn't believe that liar

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You just couldn't believe that liar. The 'Great God of Thunder'. 'Crown Prince of Asgard'. Titles mean nothing, you'd discovered, when Thor revealed he wasn't actually in love with you, but was using you to win back his old flame, Jane Foster. As Tony Stark had said when he found out: 'Ouch'. Nothing left to do now but find a way to rid yourself of this anger. You, of course, had a right to this fury, but you also knew you wouldn't be getting any work done (you worked part-time at SHIELD) while feeling like this. Completely on autopilot, you drove all the way back to your old high school and snuck into the old, now-crumbling building through the back door of the principal's office. Oh, what worthless time you'd spent here many years ago.

You found yourself wandering into your sophomore English classroom. Mrs. Hedges did love Shakespeare, you remembered, examining all the tearing posters on the walls. The place must have been abandoned Loki's attack on NYC a few years back and just never fixed up. A voice spoke a soft hello from behind you and you whirled around to see none other than the one who probably caused this mess: Loki himself. 

"Hurts, doesn't it? Being lied to."

"Coming from the god of deception, that's quite the statement... and yes. It does."

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