The tagger

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I didn't think my brother could have gotten in so much trouble in the first week with the new captain. I mean I'm not doing great but this morning captain called him out for breaking like five different rules.  I am so tired that I even fell asleep with him yelling. I went clubbing yesterday and I knew I shouldn't on a work night but I was so bored. So I got a total of  one hour and 4 minutes of sleep and if you knew my I NEED my sleep.

In the morning breffing I fell asleep in it twice having to be woken up by sarge both times. I didn't get assigned anything but my brother is working on this kid who keeps spraying dicks on the police cars and U/C cars. "It's not back up it's baby sitting", we laugh but then captain looks at me. I shake my head no because I really don't want to be in another stake out with them but. "Your older sister can come help as well". "No sir she's my baby sister". "Oh that's surprising". Did he just say I look old or I'm more responsible.

"Hey serge", I walk over to him. "This is so unfair I have a mountain of paper work to do and now I'm babysitting", I say sitting on his desk. "Your brother isn't happy about it either", he says put a folder down. "I'm always getting punished for him being stupid". "Did you know he still has a mixtape?", serge asks me. "Well he is old", I say with a yawn. My eyes start to drip again. "Hey", I wake up real quick because serge just has one of those voices. "What's wrongs with you", "what are you talking about?", I say with another yawn. "How many hours of sleep did you get last night?"  "Oh" I say not wanting to answer. Serge has been like a dad ever sense I got here. He calls us his kids but it got even worse when he found out about Jakes and my dad who left us as kids. I love serge but sometimes it gets a little to over protective. "How many", he asked again. "One" I say in a low voice. "What why?" "I was working till 1 and then I went out with my friends", I say with another yawn. "Are you gonna be ok on the field" I roll my eyes. "Yeah, the tigger is just some bratty teen", I look up at the clock. "I have to go I don't want to be late".

I got in the passengers seat again. "He is late again", I sighed and look at my watch. "We will meet him there", he starts driving. My eyes start to droop and my head falls and hits the window. "Shit", captain looks over at me. "Are you ok detective". "Yeah".

Jake gets in the car and is already in trouble and just makes it worse with his dumb jokes. Without me even knowing I was drifting my head hits the window again. "Ow". They both looked at me captain a little concerned, I think it's hard to read him, and Jake was just confused. "You sure your ok?" C.O. Asked me again. "Fine", I say not really looking at him. Their fighting starts to get more heated and I start paying attention.

Guess who was right about the tagged just being a bratty little teen. Me of coarse. I wanted to talk to surge, so I waited on his chair and laid my head down on his desk.

Next thing I knew I woke up in the captains office with sarge in there too.
"Detective do you care to explain why you are falling asleep at work?"  "Sir I have never done it before I just didn't get much sleep last night I'm so sorry" "I heard you worked really late and then went out". "Yes it was stupid I'm sorry". "Mary, don't work that late your no use to us if your like how you are today now, please go home, sleep and come back tomorrow ready". I look down but nod my head. "Come on you can't drive I'll take you home", serge says. "What's going on?"  We look up and see Jakie. "Detective maybe you should look after your baby sister more" "What". "I'm fine Jake don't worry" "come on Mar", serge says and puts an arm around me.

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now