The poniac banet returns

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My brother caught the Pontiac bandit, his worst enemy.  But he is like mega atracked to me. He is always singing my name. One problem, he has valuable information. We need it to keep open the nine nine. So he had some things he needed before he talked. One of them is that I'm basically always with him and I have to call him big sugar. I don't mind if he wasn't a criminal I could be his friend maybe even date him. He is so funny. But let's just say my brother is not happy. Him and Rosa are basically running this whole thing I'm just here to keep him happy.

So here is what happened we where in the base of there operation and a garbage truck comes in. Yes a full on garage truck. Well that was how the Pontiac bandit got away. I decided to go after the big drug boss. I ran after him but he was hiding behind a corner. He pulls a gun on me and I drop mine. I hear my brother running after us and he puts a arm around my neck and his gun to my head. "Drop it", he yells at my brother. "Buddy come on don't do anything stupid", my brother says strongly. But me I close my eyes tightly and prepare to die. Everything I ever learned at school went out the window. My brother slowly puts his gun down. "Jake I'm sorry", I say with a calm voice . "It's alright Mary", he says. I just hope my brother doesn't die with me. "Put it down sicko", I hear Rosa from behind, he turns so I kick him in the balls. I run from him and to my brother. He puts his hands on my shoulder. "You ok Peralta", Rosa asked me. "Yeah" "did he hurt you Mary", Jake asks checking me over. I hug him, "no no I'm ok, god I'm such an idiot"
We went to the captains holiday party at the bar I mostly talked to my brother and Diaz but I was kinda out of it. My brother could tell and we went to his place to watch Holliday movies. I really do have the best family in the world.

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now