The slump

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Ever sense the captain called Jakie out for not watching me he is always watching. Like I cant cough without him being there. I love home and all but he has never been the overprotective brother. I have always been the one watching out for him. Like in school he was the one who had bullies.
Jake is the best detective I know( I would never say it out loud) and he has not been able to solve a case. It's just a slump we all have ours. What doesn't help is that I'm on a roll. I'm really young for a detective so I'm not the best yet. But people are saying things like I should take his place in the competition. He is not happy.
Sadly me and Santiago got assigned the "Reach Out" program that gets kids that are a bunch brats to become unpopular snitch's. I'll just let Santiago run it. I really don't care. The program sucks no kid in it becomes an officer.

I'm leaning against a wall and Santiago gives this glorious speech about how you can change. This only ends with people chanting "black people can sell drugs too" and the black captain walks in.
"Your stupid you'll never get though to them",Diaz says in her regular dry voice. "Well then you do it" Santiago snaps back. Then Diaz yelled at the kids and they made a funny remix of her. But they look on her face made me want to cry and hug her.
"Mary you think you could help us" "the program is shit", I say. They got really desperate and asked Gina for help but all she did was dance really weird in front of them. "Mary your younger can you please help", Santiago pled. "Fine", I said with a smile because I have been kinda acting like a bitch.
"Listen up you little shits", I say hitting one in the leg so they look. Santiago's eyes got real big. "To be a cop you don't need any smarts, you can carry a gun, and get away with smoking dope. If you don't sign up we all know cops tend to pic on you so you'll be in jail by the time your 18" I smile nicely. "Now who up for free pizza for a month". All but two of the kids tase there hand. "You can also tase anyone you want". They all put up there hands. "Good".
Oh god I'm getting called into the office.
"Hey captain" "Peralta, how did you manage to get all the kids to sign up" "I don't know I guess it's because I'm younger" "if you don't mind me asking how old are you?" "22". I thought he would look surprised but again always looks the same. "Can you tell me how you become a detective so fast". I smile a little, "My uh, brother helped me a lot" "I see, well thank you for the good work. Dismissed".

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now