The Swedes

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Jake and Rosa were put on this robbery case. He was supposed to be a small guy, Just robbed a jewelry store. But when they arrested him he had a Priceless Swedish necklace on him.
So captain said that two Swedish detectives will be coming in to assist them. Don't ask why I know about this case. Then These two beautiful people come in. I took a pic of them to make sure they weren't celebs. Turns out these are the Swedes. Jake made a stupid joke and after they didn't laugh he claimed that it was translated error. I shake my head. They start to list all the languages that you speak. I'm amazed. "Yeah well Mary speaks sign language", He says proud. "You can't speak sign language Jake", I say with a dull voice. "You can't?" He says looking to me. "And it's only American Sign Language that I know", he gives me a surprised look. "What?!?" I got to shake their hand, "Mary, nice to meet you", I say sweetly and they nod. I excused myself to go back to my own cases.
"They are jerks", Rosa says to me. "They are on a high horse but they aren't that bad", I say back. "They called me unprofessional", Jake wines. "You are Jake" "no Mary you don't get it you left right before they insulted the precinct and talked about the other person's love life", Rosa complains.
Then right after that the captain comes over and tells us that they will keep working with us. "Mary I'm also Assigning this case", he says. "Sir I have two cases already", I say. "Make this your number one priority", "Yes Sir"

I was late to the crime scene but as soon as I walk in my brother and Diaz were leaving. "I'm not that late", I say checking my phone for the time. "No they already went through it", "oh cool" I say. "Mary you missed it they made fun of our police work", Rosa says angry. I walk in. "Hey Guys it looks like you did a good job, but uh do you mind if I take a look around again", I ask sweetly. "Go ahead Mary", they say and I did. I found a receipt of a container rental. I showed my brother and we went to check it out.
It was full of fish. Gross dead fish. I had to cut threw so many fish. I smell like the sewers. But Rosa told Jake that her and her boyfriend broke up. Apparently I'm the only one she told. Uhh I love her so much.
I ran into the nine nine late again and my brother just grabed my arm. "We went at the wrong place and time", he says. "Alright", I say and just go with him.

We found them in a different container, but Jake and Rosa started fighting. "It was different when we were Mary's age but now we are adults", Jake says. I was still looking at the pretty rocks. "Hey!" I say. But when I stoped talking the crate we were is started moving. "Jake what the hell", I yell. We had a plan that when he opened it that me and my brother would pretend to stop kissing and Rosa would jump out at the word glurg. But it went south because at soon as they opened up the door I fell out. "Glurg", I yell. We got them and my hands were bloody and gross. We gave the nice jurly back and I went home to go to bed early

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now