New Captin

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So new captain walked in and not 5 minutes in he has a heart attack. But after he came back in the same damn day he gave us tablets that call us failures. I really miss Holt. But good part of the day so far jake has a girlfriend.

I ran into the file room after Amy screamed for help. I got in and he was already dead, I gasped, "Jake you f**king killed him" I say as I start CPR. After the paramedics arrived they announced him dead. "Damn Jake what did you do?" I ask and walk away.
I was going pee and Rosa walked in to the bathroom, "Hey Peralta, your brother is dating Amy" "WHAT!" I scream but she was already out. After I finished I ran out and to my brother. "You are dating Amy Jake, why wouldn't you tell me", "We made a rule not to tell everyone", he says like it's normal. "Jake I don't Count as everyone, I'm your sister" I stopped and smiled, "But I am happy for you" I gave him a hug. "They had sex", Boyle says. "WHAT?"

"How did you already brake up? I didn't think I would ever say this but you have to go talk to Boyle", I say Putting on earrings. "You're right, why are you all dressed up", he asked looking at me. "Date with Ben tonight", I say with a stupid grin. "You guys are getting serious, maybe I should met him", he says eating my food. "You never meet my boyfriends", I say. "Well look at how that turned out", he says talking about Dylan. "Ben is nice he wouldn't hurt me" "Alright but just know I'm open on Saturday" "Ok Jake"
So we have two good news and one bad. Let's start with good. Jakie and Amy back together and Ben told me he loves me. Which I love him too so much. But the bad news is real bad. The new captain is the Vulture, Yes the guy I used to make out with.

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now