Charges and specs

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Jake got fired. Yes he got fired. I'm running after him into the parking Garage. "Jake what the hell is wrong with you. I became a cop because of you. Oh god what are you gonna do Jake how are you gonna Pay the bills. What am I gonna do! I can't do this if you aren't at here. I'll quit!" I say really fast. Like I do when I'm scared or nervous. He is the only reason I became a detective so I don't know what to do. "Mary calm down ok Captain told me to do it he has a plan", he says with his hands on my arms. "I don't understand", I start to calm down. The captain and two other men come down and Jake puts him arm around me.
Jake got asked to go undercover in the FBI. And they told him the rules about how he can't see any other law enforcement. "Wait hold up sir I'm his sister", "sorry Miss no other law enforcers" Jake gives a little squeeze with his arm. After they left we talked in the car. "Jakie no" I say almost crying. "Mary this would be so good for me" "Jakie it's 6 f***ing months that I can't see you", he sighed. "I know and I will miss you so much but I need this this is my dream you know that. But if you really don't want me to go I won't." I let him go. He went back to the office I want back to my place.

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now