The Oolong Slayer

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The volchure is taking all our real cases I'm just working on a purse being stolen. He makes me want to quit but I won't because I know he won't be here long. I know this because I have my brother and Holt trying to get him out of the captain spot. So he'll be out soon.

My brother offered to help him with a real case so I obviously took it. But we need help so we went to see Holt but Jake said we needed to go meet him in the bathroom. It was weird but he agreed.

So I didn't know who the oolong killer was but apparently he is famous and really creepy. But he is our lead suspect so Captain is gonna steel the security footage and Jake and I are gonna stall. "So your just gonna leave me like everyone else", I yell at him. "I'm sorry I just can't put up with your whining", he says back. "I'm not the one who cry's themselves to sleep", I yell back and start throwing things at him. The man working there came over and had to strain us.
Well I got a call saying that they are going to move in on the suspect so I turned on my lights and drove there fast. All that to walk in on a old lady saying he is dead. "You are both suspended", The boss of Holt says. "Both there is three of us", Jake says. "I'm not suspending your sister, I need some eye candy at work", my brother looked like he could kill the man. I just had to keep reminding myself why I put up with it.
After a cupple days I was out drinking with Jake and he suddenly got up, "we need to go", he says. And I grabbed my coat, "your forgetting something", I yell after him. He runs back in and gives me a kiss. "No, uhh , your paying me back Jake", I yell and run after him.
My brother took me to a makikin factory and we got two uniforms from the manager. I saw a picture of a suspect and I went looking for him. I saw him and started following, "Put it down cop", I hear behind me. I drop my gun and turn around. "Buddy let's think here", I say. "You and me are going to have a tea party", he says. "Am I invited", Jake asked behind him. "That was a good one Jakie", I say picking up my gun. "Thanks Mar", he says and starts reading him his rights.

Jakie told me his plans to get the captain back and we were both so excited. When the captain walked in I run to Jake and gave him a big hug. Then I did the same to Holt.

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now