The defence

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Uh so my brother's girlfriend put a pause on his relationship and I don't think he knows that she wants to end it. He says stuff like it's her boss not me. Yes my brother is dumb. Now he is dragging me to a Fancy dinner for lawyers. But you already know me I'm going to dress up and look great.
Ok here is the thing police and lawyers hate each other. Especially people who stand up for the bad guys. So my brothers girlfriend is ok but still. I'm cringing just talking about them. So I was so happy when we caught his boss doing cocaine. But to be nice to jakes girlfriend I tried to keep low profile. But jakes ruins everything.
"No jake not the case. WE are done", I hear Jakes girlfriend say. I walk over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He started bolting for the stares. I went after him and got there to in time to see her break it off. I go in for a short hug. "You ok bud", I ask. "Yeah fine" "Good because I never liked her. Now let's go drink"

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now