Lock down

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Well me and Jake volunteered to work thanksgiving because we hate it but now everyone is stuck with us because a white powder fell out of a bag. Bad part we don't know if it's toxic. We could all die. But happy thanksgiving.
Ok after one hour being locked in nothing really happened. Charles did the single ladies dance and I slapped someone who grabbed my butt.
Hour two I found out Gina gave me nothing in her will. Everyone in here thinks we are going to die and is running around. Oh the same guy touched my ass again and I pinned him and put him in a holding cell.
Fourth hour
So we fine except for that guy in the cell. Someone let him him out and tried to touch my but again. So this time I tackled and him started punching. Jake had to pull me off so it's not police brutality.

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now