Chedder part one

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Ok I'm just gonna to say it. Ben and I broke up. I still love him and he feels the same but he has a great job opportunity that he can't turn down. Only thing it's in California. I'm not planning on leaving Brooklyn ever.
He was the first person that I thought I had a future with. I know I'm always the one who is crying but not this time. I'm kinda just trying to forget about it. I'm keeping busy mostly with work. In a week I solved four cases. So that's good I guess. I haven't told anyone yet because I'll break down.
Speaking of keeping Busy Jake made plans for everyone in the nine nine. We have to find cheddar. The captains dog. We have about an hour left and I was wandering by myself calling out his name sometimes.
Side note Charles got eye surgery today and is completely blind right now. So when I saw him walking by himself I was concerned. Suddenly he just turns right into the street with a car coming. "Charles move", I yell as I start to sprint. "What Mary", he says not moving. I run into the street and grab his arms and jump to the side. We fall hard on the ground. "I think I felt a car go by", he says.
"Boyle what the hell" I yell. "Mary I'm useing my new power to find cheddar" he say. I help him up. "I just saved you from getting hit by a car. Now we are going to go over here and I'm going to call Jake to pick you up", I call Jake and tell him we are. I hung up and turned to Charles holding a possum.
"Charles! What the hell!" I yell. "Look Mary I found cheddar", he says happy. He starts petting it. "That's not Cheddar", I say with a shaky voice. "Oh then I will adopt this adorable stray" he says bringing his face close to it. " Charles you dumbass that's a possum", I say. He quickly drops it and I sighed. I'm

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat