The Bet

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Today is the day. The bet ends. Either my favorite car goes away or my brother takes Santiago on what he says will be the worst date ever. Right now Santiago is ahead. But more importantly, Boyle is getting the medal of valor. But peanut butter, a Horse, is getting the same one. I feel bad though because it is a high honor but come on a horse got it and won more applause.

Right when we think Santiago is gonna win, Jake brings in 10 more. I gotta say I am so happy because right now I'm trying to buy that car off him. Once things cool down a little I go up to him, "Well Santiago can't have the car can I?", "No"

We went to a bar to celebrate Boyle but when I tried to order a drink this happened, "Look man I didn't drive here so I don't have an ID with me I'm a detective please", "Sorry miss you look too young for me not to see one" I sighed and nodded knowing the law. "I'll buy whatever she wants", I look up and see Boyle "thanks Charles" "you're welcome, I don't know why Jake likes you so much all you do is bring him into trouble", he says still smiling. "Excuse me!", I say putting my drink back. Gina walks up, "Hey let's go", she says pulling his arm. "Gina if you pull him away I will break your fingers", I say. I'm not usually the scary one. "Boyle tell me again what you said" "it would have been better for jake if you left with your father" All I could see was red, and then without knowing it I punched him hard in the face. "Ow", I say pulling my wrist back and Cradling it.
" Peralta!", the captain yells, walking over.
"Excuse me", I say grabbing my purse and walking out.

There was a knock on the door and Jakie was there, "aren't you supposed to be on your date?", I ask still sounding mad. "No, because captain called me and said you almost broke Boyle's nose, What the hell Mary?" He closed the door. "Why don't you ask your best friend ok now leave", I say opening the door again. "I'm tired just let me go to bed", I say nicer. "Alright fine I'll get Boyle's side first"

The next day at the office everyone was giving me strange looks. But Jake came up to me, "alright you were right to punch him, what he said was not true, ok, and Boyle couldn't help it it was his medicine", I look up at him. "That just means he has always thought it but just now told me," I say. But the day got better and the captain called Jake, Boyle, Gina and me into his office. "We need to talk about yesterday", captain said. "Sir Boyle really did deserve it", Gina says, and I look down and smirk. Gina tells the captain what he said to me and his eyebrows went down. "Alright maybe he did, but Peralta you can't hit another detective" "yes sir", I replied. "Excuse me why am I here", Jake asked. "Your a just in case", I smirk again. "Boyle stay everyone else, Dismissed", he yells. I come out of that room smiling. When I sat down I started hearing the captain yelling. Once everyone heard what he said it got better but not with me and Boyle.

Jake Peralta's sister. Brooklyn Nine Nine. Where stories live. Discover now