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Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

Hiccup was tired... really tired. He was out, patrolling all day, and he still had a lot of work ahead of him.

"Remind me again, whose idea was to make the twins head of scheduling?" he asked Astrid. "Oh, yeah. Never mind. It was me."

Astrid chuckled a bit, then sat down to the floor, right next to him. They were downstairs in Hiccup's hut. The sun has gone down a couple of hours ago, and most of the dragonriders went to sleep already. Except for them apparently. Thanks to the wonderful work of Ruff and Tuff.

"Hey, that was a good idea," Astrid said to him. "We needed to distract them from setting everything on fire, and it has worked."

"Next time I will have to find a distraction for them, with which they can't ruin my life," yawned Hiccup.

"It's only two more hours." Astrid put her hand on his shoulder consolingly. "Besides, those muttonheads haven't done anything stupid or dangerous in the last twenty-four hours. It was a good idea," she said it again, with a reassuring smile.

"Well it doesn't seem like that to me," insisted Hiccup on a sleepy voice. He dropped his head onto Astrid's shoulder and closed his eyes. But the girl didn't let him sleep. She got up to her knees in front of him and gently shook the boy.

"Come on, Hiccup. You can't sleep now. Your break is almost over."

"Almost," murmured the boy, then he lied down on the floor.

Astrid had never seen him this tired, and it actually made her chuckle. Apparently Hiccup was really cute, when he was sleepy.

"All right, get up," said the girl finally. "You can't sleep on the floor."

"Just watch," muttered the boy.

Hiccup was clearly not in an appropriate condition to fly. Astrid thought for one or two moments, then she decided. She put her arms around her boyfriend, end helped – well, forced – him to stand up.

"What are you doing?" Hiccup asked half asleep.

Astrid didn't answer. She was focusing on not letting the boy drop. She held his waist in one hand and put his right arm around her neck with the other. Then they started to walk – or at least something like that. Actually it looked more like a girl, who was trying to puppeteer with a dead boy's body. Anyway, they somehow managed to walk up on the stairs, and the exhausted girl could finally drop Hiccup onto his bed. Well, maybe she did it a bit too carelessly. Hiccup's head had thudded on something. It was the bed's headboard.

"Ugh, what the..." The boy's eyes widened because of the pain. It was like, he just realised at that moment, where he is.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Hiccup!" Apologised Astrid quickly. "I didn't mean to, I was just..." But the boy was already standing up, not caring about what she wanted to say. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Thank you for getting me up here Astrid, really," Hiccup said still in a really sleepy voice, holding his aching head, "but I have to go patrolling." The boy started to walk into the direction of the stares. His steps where rather clumsy and fickle.

"Oh yeah?" Astrid asked, raising an eyebrow. "Good luck for that." She leaned against the wall, with a small grin. It was obvious, the boy won't be able to go down on the stairs, maybe even reach the stairs.

Hiccup murmured some answer about duty, what Astrid couldn't fully understand, then went forward two more steps. He was almost in front of the stairs, when he stumbled at his own peg leg.

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted, while she quickly jumped forward, to catch the boy. "Are you all right?" She asked, putting him carefully down to the floor.

Hiccup sat up, with a big sigh. This time he seemed a bit more awaked (most likely because of the pain in his head, and the stumbling caused shock). "Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you. Again," he said, looking up at Astrid's face.

"That's quite all right," Astrid said smiling. Then she leaned closer to the boy and kept going on a serious tone, while pointing at his chest. "But you must not fly. You have to stay here and sleep."

Hicccup wanted to argue, but the girl was faster:

"You will stay here. The Edge will be fine, without two hours of patrolling. And if the twins will have a problem with this, I'm going to have a never-to-be-forgotten conversation with them."

"Okay, okay." Hiccup held up his hands surrendering. "You won." He stood up and went to his bed. Astrid had a big, satisfied smile on her face, watching the boy, laying down to his back. "I see, you are quite happy about yourself."

Astrid went to the bed and laid down next to Hiccup. She was elbowing, facing the boy. "Yes, I am." Hiccup laughed a bit.

In the following minutes they didn't speak. At some point she started to play around with the boy's hair, without knowing what she was doing. She opened his braid, then went on, to make a new one.

"You know, I won't be able to sleep, if you are doing that," Hiccup said. Astrid immediately stopped. She was so deep, in her thoughts, that she has just realised, the boy was still very awake, laying on his back, while staring at the ceiling. She must have been too tired, herself.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just... Why are you not sleeping anyway?"

"Well, that's a bit hard to achieve, when one's hair is being pulled all over the place." Hiccup said, jokingly.

"I didn't pull your hair!" She responded, rather seriously. "But really: Why are you still awake?"

"Honestly, I have no idea." Hiccup stretched, then yawned. "My head is clear now, and I was just thinking around."

He is overthinking sleeping, thought Astrid with a smile. It was a really Hiccup-like thing to do.

"You were so tired, you couldn't even make it to downstairs. And we are almost in the middle of the night. You have to sleep, if you are gonna get up in time tomorrow."

"As you do."

Astrid nodded as an agreement. She was really tired indeed. She reached out to blow the candles, then in the darkness she laid back, right next to Hiccup. They could finally sleep. Suddenly she felt the boy moving beside her and she rolled her eyes in frustration:

"Hiccup, what are you..." but she couldn't finish, since she felt his lips, on hers. It was a quick but sweet kiss.

"Just wanted to say thank you." Hiccup said.

Astrid smiled, then she moved closer to the boy. They were facing each other, so she snuggled her head to Hiccup's chest. Her boyfriend put his head onto hers and wrapped an arm around Astrid. After some happy minutes, they fell asleep like this.

[UPDATED:] So there you have it. I finally had time update the story by 700 words, or so. Now I'm truly satisfied with it and hope you are, as well.

The art up there is not mine, I've found it here: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/79516749654906492/

Thank you, for reading!

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