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Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

Hiccup was riding Toothless. They were flying above the Edge. The gang was with them too. They were all fighting against an endless line of dragon hunter ships. It didn't matter how many of them did they sink, there was always another one.

On the deck of the biggest one stood Viggo, who was addressing him, even though they were far from each other: "You lost Hiccup. You may not see it just yet, but you will accept it, when the time comes." Hiccup heard every calm and stern word of his loud and clear. He knew Viggo was right, but he didn't want to accept it.

At the next moment he sat in front of the man. They were playing Maces and Talons, while the battle was raging around them. Hiccup's friends all fell one by one. Now they were locked down beside them, and it was only up to him to save them. He had to win the match against Viggo, but the man was better than him. He lost, and Ryker was laughing at him, while he dropped each of his friends into the sea.

He had to save them. He jumped onto Toothless, and they were flying towards the drowning riders. They flied faster then ever, but they got further and further by the time. It didn't make any sense. Now Viggo was laughing at him too, and he shouted to him from the ship: "I told you Hiccup."

It was impossible and yet it was happening. In the next moment something hit Toothless and now he was falling alone towards the clear, blue sea. He knew he will die. Viggo was right.

Hiccup sat up with a big sigh. His clothes were sweaty and he was gasping, while he looked into the complete darkness of his room. He was scared and afraid. It was just a dream, he reminded himself, as he ran through his hair with his fingers. Just a dream. He fell back to his pillow, still trying to collect his thoughts.

Something was moving beside him. He almost jumped. "What is it, Hiccup?" Astrid asked him, as she got up to her elbows. Of course it was her. Now they were sleeping together almost every night. He let out a relieved sigh.

"No I'm... I had a bad dream."

"Aw, babe," she said to him in a sympathetic tone, as she moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his body. Hiccup was finally feeling a bit better. He felt Astrids hands on his hair. In that uncertain dark room, it was safe with her. He rolled to his side, so he could face the girl and pressed his face against her neck. "It's all right now," he heard Astrid's gentle voice. "We are here for each other."

She was really nice, but he still couldn't stop thinking about Viggo and what he saw in that dream. He lifted his head, so he could look into the girl's eyes. "They won Astrid," he whispered. "And you were all dying, because of me. I know it was just a dream, I... I'm just shocked."

"That's all right," she kissed him on his forehead. "Let's go out. You need fresh air."

They went outside from Hiccup's hut. It was still in the middle of the night. The moon gave just enough light, so they could see their surroundings and the stars were lighting up the sky. They heard the gentle noice of the waves, crashing into the island's rocks. The air was cold, and the sea brought some even colder winds.

Hiccup started to shiver. His clothes were soaking which made the situation even worse. Astrid stepped beside him and she hugged his body tightly, so he could warm up at least a little. "Okay, maybe this was not the best idea."

"No, no, it has helped... Now I'm just cold." Hiccup told her between two shiverings. It was true actually. He could almost totally forget about his shock, because of the freezing winds.

"Let's get inside then. We should go to my hut this time. The bed there is fresh and warm." Hiccup just nodded as he tried to contract himself even more and so they went inside the girl's hut. It was already a bit better there.

Astrid lighted some candles, and they walked to her bed. "Take your shirt off. You sweated all over it." Hiccup did as she told him, and the girl instantly wrapped a blanket around his bare chest. "Go, get into the bed," she whispered into his ear. "I'll make a fire then join you."

Hiccup felt much better now. He was unspeakably grateful for Astrid's help and support. "Thank you," he told her, and the girl answered with a smile from the firepit, where she was working.

Hiccup lied down on the warm bed and looked up at the ceiling as he thought through his dream again. Maybe he was thinking so much about Viggo and the dragon hunters, that it made him even dream about them? If this was the case, he would definitely need to take a break...

Astrid finished with the firepit and now she was lying beside him, under their blankets. The girl's bed was smaller than his, so they had to lie really close to each other, but it didn't bother Hiccup. It was good to feel her at his side. Astrid put one hand under his head and the other at his chest. She pulled him even closer to herself and pressed her lips against his temple. "Are you still cold?" She asked him.

"No, I'm fine now," Hiccup told her, but he could still see Viggo's face in front of him.

"Thinking about Viggo then?"

Hiccup finally turned to face her. "I'm sorry, I just can't forget about him. I know you've done everything you could, and I'm glad for that, so... I'm really sorry. You should go back to sleep. I will be fine," he told her as he turned back to face the ceiling.

However, Astrid instantly turned his head back to her. "Don't apologise. It's not your fault. But believe me, one day we will defeat them, with one of your amazing plans..."

"You don't know that," he responded bitterly.

Oh, he was one stubborn viking. Astrid needed some moments, to recollect her thoughts. "Yeah, you are right, I don't know that. But here is what I know: I'm not going to leave you alone, you hear me? If you won't be able to sleep tonight, then I will stay awake with you. We will go through this together, as we always do. I will always be there when you need me, just as you are always there for me. No matter how big or small the problem is."

Astrid was quite satisfied with how her speech turned out. She meant every word, and she was sure, that Hiccup saw her commitment in her gaze too, because the boy just couldn't look away from her eyes. Astrid could see, that he was grateful.

"Thank you Astrid," Hiccup whispered after a long silence, while he gently touched her cheek. "I love you."

Astrid smiled at the boy, then she leaned forward and they exchanged a passionate kiss. It was good – great in fact. Better than anything that they had done that night. When they finally took apart, they were both gasping and smiling at each other. "Love you too, Haddock."

"You know... You actually made me forget about Viggo and all that stupid dream," he responded to her, while he rolled from his back to his side, so his body would finally face the girl, instead of the ceiling.

It was the best thing Astrid could hear from him and probably the biggest compliment too. She couldn't stop smiling as she pressed her forehead against the his. They were holding each other and they fell asleep happily together.

If you have any comments, constructive criticism or story suggestions, please leave them here. I would love to read about your thoughts.

Btw, I've just finished the last episode of Race to the Edge (for the first time) so now I'm sad. Just wanted to share it... I will rewatch the best episodes of course, but other than that, I don't know how will I survive from now on. In the last 2-3 months I had some HTTYD in each every one of my days, so I will really miss it. Hopefully writing these stories will somewhat help me in the future to stay close to that world.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night!

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