Night in the City (Modern AU)

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So this thing has happened to me recently, when I spent an evening with my friends in the city, and we had a bit more fun, then we should have had, so three of my friends and I managed to miss our last train and had to stay there for the whole night. It was a lot of fun, and I thought, something similar would make a good Hiccstrid story. So here we are. They are 18 in this one.

"All right gang, I think we should really go," said Hiccup, and Astrid nodded along.

"Oh, come on, we barely did anything tonight," complained Snotlout, but then he got up to his feet just as the rest of them.

They were sitting on the shore of a river, which run through the city. They had been there for only about an hour – listening to some music, and drinking a couple of beers and cocktails – so Snotlout was actually right. They barely did anything. But it was already around midnight, so it was time for them to leave. Or at least time for Hiccup and Astrid to leave and catch their last train.

"You guys don't have to come with us," said Hiccup as he saw that all their friends stood up too. "Stay, if you want to."

"We know that. Duh," responded Ruffnut from the back.

"We also have to go home soon anyway," explained Heather. "So, I guess we all wanna accompany you," she said as she looked around for the other's assurance.

"The gang sticks together!" nodded Tuff firmly.

"All right," responded Hiccup, a bit surprised. "Then, this way," he said and started to walk into the subway's direction beside Astrid.

A couple of minutes later they were all standing in a subway car. They had about twenty minutes, before their last train was going to go, but their metro just didn't wanted to start. Hiccup wasn't really concerned about this. He started to talk with Fishlegs, but after a couple of moments they were interrupted by Astrid, who was looking at her phone.

"We won't make it," she said.

"What?" asked Hiccup, surprised.

"We won't be able to catch the train," laughed the girl.

"But, what... We... How do you know that?" gaped Hiccup.

"Well, according to my phone, this metro will stay here for ten more minutes," she explained as she turned the screen to the boy. "And the way to the station takes about fifteen minutes. So, yapp. We missed it," giggled the girl.

"And what's so funny in that?" asked Hiccup frustratedly, while he took out the phone from Astrid's hands and started to examine it's screen. "My father's gonna kill me," he mumbled.

"Oh, come on, it's nothing," waved the girl with a smile.

"Astrid, you know my father," palmed his face Hiccup. "He will..." He shook his head. "This is really bad, and could you stop smiling, please?!"

"It's gonna be so exciting," grinned Astrid. "We will spend the whole night here."

"Yeah, I guess it would be, if it wasn't my last night alive," responded Hiccup sarcastically.

"Did someone say, we are gonna spend the whole night here?" asked Snotlout, who had just turned to them excitedly.

"Well, apparently, we will," said Hiccup, as he faced the gang. "We've missed our last train. But don't worry, you guys can still go home."

"Go home?" asked Tuffnut indignantly. "Not a chance! This night has just started to get interesting."

"I hear ya bro," responded Ruff, and they high fived. "Think about all the stuff we can do here, when noone is watching!"

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