The Avangers novel

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[Contains Avengers: Endgame spoilers!]

So, I wanted to write a one-shot, where Hiccup and Astrid are talking about the new Avengers movie, but I also wanted it to take place during Race to the Edge as usual, so I guess I've found some kind of middle ground. You will see.

"Where are you?"

"Almost finished," mumbled Astrid. Hiccup turned his head to look at her and raised his eyebrows. His betrothed frowned and rolled her eyes as she pointed to the middle of the page. "All right. Here."

"How can you read this slowly when it's the most exciting part?" asked the boy as he shook his head.

"I won't be able to finish it, if you are talking to me," she responded, still focusing on the novel.

Hiccup had to admit to himself, that she was right. But it was so exciting... They were lying next to each other on the couch in his hut, reading this book, called 'Avengers: Endgame' together. It was the finishing part of a long series, they started reading long ago. They got them from Trader Johann, who said, they were written by some man called Stan Lee.

Astrid finally turned the page, and Hiccup instantly started to read it, with an excited sigh. She chuckled a bit as she turned to him: "Don't be so greedy. You will miss something if you don't pay attention."

Hiccup finished the current sentence and glanced at the girl. "You are only saying this because you don't want to fall behind me again."

"No, I am not!" She laughed as she tried to sound serious and failed. She knew Hiccup was just teasing her, but she couldn't help smiling at his joke anyway. However, the boy already shifted his attention back to the book. Astrid couldn't blame him. It was really good.

She started reading too, but this time she made sure to rush through the lines, just so Hiccup wouldn't finish the page first, this one time. As she glanced at the boy's eyes for a moment, she saw that he was around where she was. She couldn't let him win, so she started to read even faster.

Hiccup saw in the corner of his eye that Astrid glanced at him, so he glanced at her and realized, she was rushing through the lines. She must have wanted to finish it before him. Astrid and her competitions... He decided that he will take part in the game, so he started to read really fast too. When Astrid realized this, she quickly covered his eyes with her hands. In response, Hiccup closed the book, so that she wouldn't be able to read it either. Astrid tried to take it from him, and Hiccup tried to free his eyes, so finally they ended up wrestling and laughing on the couch.

"All right, all right," Hiccup said as he let go of the book. "Let's call it a draw."

Astrid smiled at him as she finally freed his eyes, and gave back the book. "Nah, I think I won," she said and gently punched the boy's shoulder.

"You always win," responded Hiccup, as he left a little kiss on her cheek. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and opened the book again, so they could continue reading. Astrid laid her head on the boy's arm and started reading too.

They were near the end of the book. It was the final battle between the good guys and the bad guys. Hiccup was holding back his breath as he was reading about how Tony snapped his fingers with the Infinity Stones. He knew what that meant.

Astrid turned the page with a sigh exactly when he finished with it. At least they were in sync now. "I don't know if I am ready for this," she said. Hiccup pulled her closer to himself and Astrid laid her head on his shoulder.

On the next page, Tony has died, as they expected it. It was a really sad moment, especially after all the earlier stories he took part in. He was the one who started this whole thing actually. And now he had a daughter too... Oh, and Peter. For him, Mr. Stark was always a father figure. Hiccup couldn't possibly imagine how it would feel for him to lose his own father.

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