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Takes place after HTTYD 3.

Astrid had not seen Hiccup in one week, and it was one of the longest weeks of her life. They haven't spent this much time apart for years... There were some occasions, when they didn't see each other for a whole day except for the morning and the evening of course – since Hiccup was chief, he had a lot of work in certain times of a year – but nothing like this before. When the boy had to leave for more days, she always went with him. Not this time, though... Now they just couldn't make it work.

At first, it didn't seem too much at all. Astrid was ready to sleep alone, eat alone and live alone for a weak again. For one or two nights, it was even fun to possess the whole bed on her own. However, as time passed, she got bored. Really bored. She ate with her friends when she could, and spent as much of her free time with them as they could afford, but she still had to spend her evenings, nights and mornings alone. She was so used to Hiccup, she couldn't possibly imagine what did she do in these cases, before they moved together. She missed him terribly.

Eventually, the day of the arrival came. Astrid was more than excited to see her freshly married husband. As Hiccup got out of the ship, she ran there, and jumped onto him. They both fell to the ground, and as they laughed at each other, Astrid helped him to get up.

"Well I definitely wasn't expecting such a welcome," the boy told Astrid, as he reached out for her waist and pulled her closer to himself. "But I missed you too m'lady," he whispered, and after a long time, they finally exchanged a sweet kiss. "Maybe I missed this even more," he joked.

"Well, then you will love this night too," whispered back to him Astrid teasingly.

"Oh, I think I will fall asleep, before you could even realise," responded the boy, as he went on to say hello to everyone else too.

Astrid saw as Snotlout – who went on this journey as well – and Ruffnut shared a sweet welcome too, but mostly she was focusing on Hiccup. The boy finished catching up quite quickly with the gang, and then she helped him to take home his packages. Thankfully, the Sun had already set down, so he didn't have any more duties to fulfill that day.

"Ah, home, sweet home," Hiccup said as they stepped into the house, and he immediately collapsed onto the couch. "You can't imagine how much I was waiting for this moment."

"I think, I get the idea," responded Astrid while she unloaded Hiccup's stuff. She sat down on the couch too, and the boy immediately laid his head on her lap. "Are you hungry?" she asked as she started playing with his hair.

"No, we already ate supper on the way here. I'm just tired. Really, really tired."

"Then, what do you say, we don't do anything today? Just leave your stuff unpacked and go to bed early."

"Perfect," he responded as he took her hand and left a kiss on it.

They went upstairs and lay down on the bed. It felt so good for Astrid that she could share it with someone again. Hiccup was right there, next to her, and the sheets weren't cold and empty anymore. As she quickly summarized the most important events of last week for him, the boy placed his head on her stretched arm, and snuggled into her side with a satisfied sigh. Then it was his turn to tell stories from his journey. Astrid could tell that he was sleepy, but they were talking, laughing and cuddling until late night.

"And how was Snotlout?" she asked at one point.

"Oh-ho, that's a good one," he responded as he crawled up a little. "I think he actually missed Ruffnut more than I did you."

"What?" she asked in genuine surprise. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, I don't think he would want me to tell you about this, but after the second day, he was constantly talking about her. I got to know way more stuff about Ruff than I ever wanted to... One night, when we were drinking a bit more than we should have had, I think he even cried, as he was repeating her name over and over in his cabin."

"Nooo way," responded the girl with a mixture of surprise, amusement and joy.

"Yeah, I know," chuckled Hiccup. "I think they might have found a very weird but true love."

"Yeah, it seems like..." responded Astrid with a wandering gaze, then she turned back to the boy and pouted. "So, you said, Snotlout missed Ruffnut more than you did me?"

"I did?" asked back Hiccup jokingly. "You must remember incorrectly, because I don't think that's humanly possible," he told Astrid, as he placed an arm on her back and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Now you're talking..." she responded and kissed him back. After some minutes of making out another question crossed the girl's mind. "So, you were drinking there?"

"Yeah... But I only drank, because that helped me to bear the pain of missing you," responded the boy on a way, that Astrid couldn't tell whether it was serious or just a joke. Maybe a bit of both...

"And I thought, it was a very important diplomatic mission..."

"Yes, it was. And alcohol helped us a lot during it."

"Exactly how many times did you get drunk there?" asked Astrid suspiciously.

"Five," admitted the boy.

The girl's eyes widened. "On a one-week mission?"

"I missed you a lot," responded the boy jokingly. Astrid laughed at him.

"Wow. I have a lazy husband, who is never home, and who is either always working, or – as it turns out – always drinking," the girl joked back. "And who wants to be hairy as a bear," she added as she pouted.

"Hey, we've talked about this," responded the offended boy. "I'm growing a beard, and you can't change my mind."

"Yeah, sure babe," she nodded playfully. "And it will look great."

"Oh, you would be in such big danger, if I wasn't this tired," Hiccup responded on a sleepy voice.

"Don't worry. I can be in danger tomorrow too," said Astrid as she put her arm on the boy's chest and her head next to his head. They didn't speak for a while, so it seemed like, they are going to sleep now. "It's good to have you back," she whispered to him as she left a kiss on his hair. "Good night."

"Good night, m'lady."

If you have any comments, constructive criticism or story suggestions, please leave them here. I love reading about your thoughts.

I will graduate tomorrow, so wish me luck!

Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night!

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