The End (Author's Note)

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Hi everyone!

I have bad news if you like this book because yep, this is the end. Let me explain.

As I've said it several times before, I've just started College this year (and I love it, it's hard but also great) so I decided to focus on that more, and focus on writing less. Well, this led to a situation where I didn't upload since the very beginning of September, and now it's December. So, I imagine that officially ending this book is not really a surprise for most of you.

I really, terribly sorry about it. I just lost interest after a while (I'm sure some of you are familiar with this) and I didn't really had the time so... It is what it is. Originally I thought, that I might gonna write some ending one-shot to all this, but I never got around that, unfortunately. It was going to be about the team, being old and moving to an island somewhere near the Hidden World, where they could once again be together with their dragons. Feel free to use this idea, by the way, if it has inspired you in any way. I had a couple more story-ideas written down, too, and I also have free unfinished chapters in this book, plus I've never got around the finish The Week series, either. Sorry, for all this.

However it's Christmas Eve, and I don't wanna finish this book on a sad note, so hey: if you are looking for more HTTYD stories, watch the new Christmas Special, Homecoming! I'm gonna watch it tonight or maybe tomorrow, and I'm sure it's gonna be lovely.

And as we all know from very deep and meaningful stories, closing one door always opens another. I've started writing a new Spideychelle book! I thought I was long over Marvel, but then one day I watched the new Spider-Man movie, and I realized that Spideychelle is so, so great. Next thing I knew, I was writing a one-shot for them and then something I've never done before, a whole book. (Okay, it's not like a real, long book, but still, it has multiple chapters in it and they all tell one story, so come on, it's kinda a novel, yeah.) I'm really excited about that, and if you like my style or like Spideychelle maybe consider checking it out. You can find it here:

Thank you for all of your support, and your constantly witty and lovely comments. Writing this collection was a very two-sided experience and without your interest in it, I never would have come this far with it. I mean, it has 10.000 reads, 500 stars, and exactly 168 comments now. I don't usually care for numbers, but that's just amazing, it really blows my mind. You're great guys, I love you!

Have a very Merry Christmas! And never forget to laugh!

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