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Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating. Hiccup might going to seem to be a bit out of character, but he will have his reasons, as you will see.

It had always started with the twins... Now, they somehow managed to get their hands on an alcoholic drink. They even claimed, that they made it, but Hiccup was not really buying it. I mean they couldn't, could they? Right...?

Anyway, they were generous enough to share it with the gang, and it turned out to be rather tasty. First only Snotlout was interested, but he was now sleeping on a desk, mumbling something about his mother. Hiccup wasn't quite sure, how they talked him into trying it, but to be honest, he wasn't really interested in it any more either. It wasn't like any dragon hunters would show up on their shores at this hour. And everyone deserved to have some fun here and there.

So there he was: listening to a story, told by Ruff, which seemed to be the funniest one he had ever heard and trying to keep himself balanced... Well, struggling to be completely honest. At some point he realised, he was thinking about Astrid. He really wanted to have her beside him.

"Hey, do you know where's Astrid?" he cut Ruff's speech in half, but it didn't bother the girl. Both of the twins seemed to think very hard for one or two moments.

"Well, I know she is not here!" Tuff said finally, and the twins started to laugh. Hiccup chuckled as well. He had to admit it was a really funny thing to say.

"Oh yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah. Just remembered. She is patrolling," he responded a bit disappointed. "It's kinda sad, isn't it? Being alone. I mean you have each other right... "he stopped for a quick 'hicc'," now, but what about me? I'm alone."

"Have no worries my hiccupy friend," Tuff said, to what Hiccup responded with a hiccup, "we are here for you. You can be our honorary twin, 'till she gets back."

"Wow, do you really mean it?" It meant so much to Hiccup. He really wanted to hug them.

"Yeah, no big deal," answered Ruffnut, after drinking out her cup... again. "We have five honorary twins just right now, so..."

"Oh guys, I really don't know what to say," Hiccup responded, getting himself on top of the desk and hugging them tightly.

"You don't have to say anything," Tuff responded. "But if we were already talking about... "he stopped for some moments, holding his pointing finger upwards, clearly thinking about his next word," Astrid! So if we were already taking... talking..."

"Just tell us something about her," said Ruff, helping out her confused brother.

"Yeah, that's what I meant. What is she like with you?" Tuff asked, while both twins leaned forward on the desk, as a sign of interest. "Any difference?"

"Well..." Hiccup told, on a low voice, like if it was some kind of secret, he wanted to share with them. "Actually, she is..." But he couldn't finish the sentence, since he lost his balance, while he was trying to lean even closer to Ruff and Tuff and fell of from his chair.

The twins were laughing harder than ever, but Hiccup didn't really cared about that, because as he fell down to the ground, he just saw Astrid, stepping inside the clubhouse. "M'lady!" He shouted with a big grin on his face, still laying on the ground. "You came back. Oh, I am so happy to see you."

"Oh, boy," Astrid told herself, after she realised what was going on. She walked to the three drunken viking's desk and helped Hiccup to sit back on his chair. "This is Archipelago's White," she said, pointing at the four empty bottles on the desk. "It's one of the strongest beverages, you can find at the northern markets. You didn't drink those all by yourselves, did you?"

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