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Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

It was a rainy day on the Edge. The dragons were in the stables and their riders in their huts, waiting for the storm to end. Astrid was in Hiccup's hut. She woke up there, and stayed inside ever since, because of the rain. It was not like, she wouldn't have spent her whole day with the boy anyway.

"So I started constructing this new axe yesterday," she said, as she ate the last bits of her breakfast. She was sitting behind Hiccup's desk, covered with a huge blanket, the boy gave her against the cold. "With those new parts, we got from Johann."

"Mm-hmm," mumbled Hiccup as a response. He was lying on the couch, facing the girl. He rested his head on his arm, and he was drawing something with great concentration.

"And I think I will need your help with it, here and there. You are good at engineering, and it will have some more complicated mechanical parts." She had thought, they boy would be all ears by now, but Hiccup just frowned at the sketchbook in front of him, bit his upper lip and drew some more lines into it. Astrid grabbed a little berry and threw it to the boy's chest. He finally looked up at her and put down his pencil. "It's a joy to talk with you, you know?" she complained to him.

"Yeah, I get this a lot," he said seriously, with a smile in the corner of his mouth. Astrid just ignored the sarcasm.

"What are you drawing?" she asked.

"Come here, and you will see," he told him with a sassy grin.

Astrid stood up. She had nothing else to do, though she would have done the same if that wasn't the case anyway. How could she say no to that stupid grin? She grabbed her blanket and walked to the boy. Hiccup crawled to the side of the couch, so she could lie down next to him. She put her hand onto the boy's chest and her head onto his stretched arm with a satisfied sigh. "All right. Now show it."

Hiccup opened the book, and a red tailed Night Fury appeared in front of them. "How original," teased him Astrid. Actually there was some truth in it, since on every other picture Hiccup drew was a Night Fury, but in the other hand, they were all unique and amazing. Astrid knew this well. She saw every work of Hiccup.

"Come on, you are just jealous, because I didn't draw you," teased her back the boy.

"Oh, because that would be much more original..." rolled her eyes Astrid jokingly.

"Was that sarcasm?" chuckled Hiccup in surprise and admire.

"I've learned from the best." She gave him a sweet smile. Finally, the boy was out of clever responses.

"You always win. Even when we are just talking..." he said as he shook his head, for which, Astrid rewarded him with a kiss on his cheek. "Anyway. I thought you wouldn't be pleased with the Night Fury, so I drew you too." Hiccup turned the page, to reveal a stick figure with a red rock, a blue top and an oversized, messy, yellow hair. "How do you like it?" he asked, acting proudly.

"You..." said Astrid threateningly as she jumped over the boy and tried to take his sketchbook from him. They were both laughing now.

"Hey! Hey!" Hiccup laughed as he desperately tried to keep the book away from her. "Next time I will draw a real Astrid, I promise."

"You'd better, Haddock," smiled the girl as she finally stopped fighting and faced the boy. She leaned closer to him, and they kissed each other. "But actually," she said, as she playfully tapped on Hiccup's chest with her fingers, "I had something else in my mind." She rolled back to her back beside the boy and opened the sketchbook in his hands. "I want to have my own emblem. Like the one you have on you shoulder plate about Toothless."

"Hmm," responded the boy thoughtfully, his eyes already wandering on the paper. "Do you have anything particular in mind?"

"Yeah, I was thinking about a blue Deadly Nadder. Just a schematic one, you know."

Hiccup had turned his grinning face to Astrid, and he playfully frowned his eyebrows at her. "How original," he said.

"Shut up!" responded Astrid with an angry look and a hidden smile on her face. She gently punched the boy's chest. "Dork..."

"Hey, we've talked about this before," complained the boy. "You can punch me only, if I get a kiss afterwards too."

"You will get it, when you are done," responded Astrid as she pointed at the sketchbook.

"What a whacker," said the boy, just loud enough, so she would hear it.

"What was that?" she asked jokingly and threateningly at the same time.

"Nothing! I'm drawing already."

Astrid watched as Hiccup started to work on her Deadly Nadder. She rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled into his side.

"So, what was this thing about your new axe?" asked Hiccup, as he was drawing.

"I knew you were paying attention!" Astrid wanted to give a punch to the boy, but she managed to restrain herself and let him work on her emblem.

"All right, I admit it. I was listening to you at the whole time. I know, I'm such a terrible boyfriend."

"Yes, you are," chuckled Astrid. "But think about the axe later. Now, I want you to colour this Nadder's tail red. And don't say a word about how original I am," she warned Hiccup, as he was about to open his mouth.

"I was going to say, it's a really cute idea," the boy said, as he finished his work. "Anyway. How do you like the Nadder?"

"I love it babe," whispered Adtrid as she leaned closer to Hiccup. They stared into each other's happy eyes. "So... about your kiss."

"I was hoping it would be ours," joked the boy. Astrid chuckled at him and finally closed the gap between their lips.

If you have any comments, constructive criticism or story suggestions, please leave them here. I love reading about your thoughts.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night!

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