The Week - Thuesday (Modern AU)

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Stoick had left, so Hiccup and Astrid has a whole week, they can spend by themselves in the empty house. They are 19 here.

Astrid opened her eyes. She saw the right side of Hiccup's head, who was sleeping peacefully on his back. A grin appeared on her face, when she thought about the fact, that they had a whole week on their own.

She felt that her right leg was lying on top of the boy's, and she gently pulled it back. Hiccup just growled in his sleep, but he made no other response. Astrid moved closer to him, and she pushed his side with her head to wake him up, but the boy was still sleeping. She checked the time. It was 9 in the morning, so Hiccup had more than enough time to sleep. She turned over to her back and lay down on the boy's chest.

"So... I am a couch now?" asked the boy on a husky voice. Astrid smiled, but she didn't move.

"Yeah, kinda," she replied. "And I'm your alarm clock."

"Too bad, I hate alarm clocks." The comment cost Hiccup an elbow in his side.

"You have time until I finish with my shower," said Astrid as she got up and left a morning kiss on the boy's lips.

Knowing his girlfriend, Hiccup suspected that it was going to give him only about ten minutes or so. Astrid was amazing, but why did she have to be so energized in the mornings? Anyway, after a couple minutes of laying around, he got out of the bed and changed his clothes to fresh ones. When he heard that Astrid stopped pouring water in the bathroom, he waited a couple of minutes, and then he shambled to the door and knocked on it.

"Come in," came the girl's voice from inside. When Hiccup stepped into the room, she was fully dressed and was brushing her hair. "Babe, you got up!" she said cheerfully. "I didn't think, you would make it."

"That's flattering," mumbled Hiccup while he rolled his eyes. He started to brush his teeth, and Astrid left the room for her own toothbrush.

"I'm honestly really happy, you are up," she said, and even the boy couldn't hide a small smile. "We can do so many things today!"

"Yeah, that's good," agreed Hiccup through his toothbrush. "But I have an idea, we could add to the list: one morning, we stay in the bed after we wake up."

"You are acting like it was so hard for you to get up today," shook her head Astrid.

"Hey, don't ruin my performance! Just add it to the list."

"Okay, you can have your boring morning," gave in the girl, "you lazy muttonhead."

"Woah! What was that?" acted indignantly Hiccup. He finished with the toothbrushing, and he left a foamy kiss on Astrid's cheek before he would clear his lips.

"Hey!" laughed the girl. She tried to retort, but Hiccup had already fled.

"See you at the table!" he shouted back to her.

The couple's morning went well. They ate breakfast together, and then somehow ended up showing their favorite funny YouTube videos to one another. By 11 o'clock, they sat out to the garden. It was a bright, warm day out there, with occasional small clouds on the sky, and some cool, refreshing breezes.

Astrid asked Hiccup to braid her hair, so he settled down behind the girl on a deck chair and started working. It wasn't the first time, he helped out the girl with this, so his movements were somewhat practiced. As they were sitting there, they chatted about their old school, their friends, and just general, everyday stuff. Once Hiccup had finished, Astrid checked his work and made little readjustments, where she felt it was needed.

"You are getting really good at this," she told him frankly.

"Indispensable skill for a young man," said the boy sarcastically.

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