Alcohol, Texting And Honesty (Modern AU)

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Hiccup and Astrid are around 18-20 here. They are not dating yet.

Hes Ast!

What's up?
And since when do you call me Ast?

We meed go talj
Meed to talk

Hiccup, are you drunk?

But domt change divjrct


We nerf to talk

We are talking

I mean personally

Hiccup, it's 9pm

Whats onlx esrly afternoon jn florida
Please, Astrid
Uts vers important
I have to mert xou perdonally

But it better worth it, Haddock

Thank sou
Im reslly happy!
As your can see

And where do you wanna meet?

Les go to berk
Meez galfway in thr park
Its onyl abot 45 mimuges to get there for bpth od us

All right
But I hope you know, what are you doing
For your own sake, Haddock

Well i hpe that tooo

Will you be able to get there in this state at all?

Dt wprry abiut me?
Just be there

All right
But seriously: Be careful on you way!
Or we will have a problem
See ya


At first it seemed to be a great idea. Hiccup was confident, this was the right time to tell everything he felt to Astrid. The problems started to occur, when he had to leave the party where he was, to meet the girl. Because obviously this was something to tell her personally, and he couldn't just ask her to get up and come right to him.

So, he had to leave the party, which meant he had to leave the alcohol behind. The very thing that gave him enough confidence and courage, to decide to tell everything to her. When he said good bye to his friends, he was debating, whether he should bring a couple of beers with himself, or not, but eventually he decided, he shouldn't. He was a bit drunk, but not too much to realize, he didn't want to show up all wasted, and confess his feelings like that to Astrid. So, he packed a big bottle of water instead and left the house.

This happened about half an hour ago. Now he was sitting on a train, which had almost arrived to Berk, and he had three whole new problems: he drank all his water, so he desperately had to use the bathroom; he was not drunk anymore, so he got really scared of what he was about to do; and he was embarrassed about the texts, he had sent to Astrid.

But there was absolutely no way back now. He couldn't just send another text to Astrid, that he changed his mind... Maybe he could say, he was so drunk he got lost in the city. But no. That would have been a terribly rude move. He had to do it all now, and he was nervous. He and Astrid were really close to each other, and he planned to confess to her for months prior. At least, he supposed, it was better to tell her that he liked her, after long months of time spent together than to just show up, without ever even talking to her and tell her the same thing, like a creep. But there was still a chance that she didn't like him, as he liked her. That would have been his end... He was always better with animals than with humans, and he just couldn't tell how the girl might have felt about him. There was only one way to find out.

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