Vlog (modern AU)

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So, I've just had this weird idea, if Hiccstrid was traveling somewhere, and made a vlog out of their journey. I know, yet another modern AU... As I've said before, I got obsessed with it. They are around 20 years here.

"Hey everyone!" says Hiccup. He is lying in his bed with Astrid on his side. "So, as you may know, this video isn't gonna be about dragons, as usually, but we are going to visit Greece."

"And make a vlog out of it, apparently," joins in the malcontent girl.

"Yes. Since you've been asking us to do something like this for months. Finally, you will get what you want. Thanks to me." He pulls the camera closer to his face and whispers into it: "It took me some time to convince a certain lady," the camera turns to Astrid, "but I think we are gonna be fine now."

"I just hope that camera won't ruin our relaxation time," explains the girl. "For your own safety, Haddock."

"She is just joking. She would never hurt me. Au!" shouts Hiccup as Astrid punches his shoulder. "I will have to cut this out," he says to the camera, then he puts it down and turns to the girl. "You remember that agreement about punches and kisses?"


"So, it's currently eight o'clock in the morning, and I am driving us to the airport," says Hiccup in a car. "As you can see it's quite rainy and windy here in Stockholm, but soon we will lie in the sand on a warm beach... We've just had our breakfast by the way, and we packed everything yesterday so, yeah... I have absolutely no idea what else could I say."

"Then say nothing and turn off that camera," comes Astrid's voice from the right. The camera turns to her.

"Look at her," says Hiccup on a high-pitched voice. "She is so angry right now."


"All right. We are on the plane. Everything has gone well so far. It's about a five-hour flight to Korfu, so we have plenty of time to have some fun. I think we will watch a movie. And um... Oh yeah. Look at that." The camera turns to the window. "We are above the clouds everyone! Hey Astrid. What do you think, how high we are?"

"I think we should watch Lord of the Rings."

The camera turns back to Hiccup. "We are very high."


"Hey everyone, we've arrived at the apartment, which is amazing. It's... four o'clock right now, and we are gonna head to the beach in any minute. Astrid is changing at the moment, and that's actually why I record this now. I'm not really sure anymore if she is just teasing me with this camera thing, or if she is actually angry about it... Anyway, it's time to go to the beach."


"Hi. So, don't tell it to Hiccup, but I think, I'm starting to like this vlog thing," says Astrid as the camera shows the boy in the water, trying to climb on top of a huge inflatable rubber dragon. "Look at him go," she laughs as she zooms on the boy. "He actually rode that thing a couple of minutes ago, but I missed it. So I guess you will just have to believe me."

Hiccup gives up with the dragon and comes out of the water. "You do realise that's a camera in you hands, right?"

"I figured they will be interested in how you are failing with that dragon."

"Was that really necessary?" asks the embarrassed boy as he puts down his dragon to the sand and lies down beside Astrid. "So let me get this straight. If I try to record, that's not fine at all, but if you are the one doing it, then it's not a bad thing anymore?"


"Well, that's very nice of you... Anyway, what are you doing out here?"

"Sunbathing... Recording your clumsiness in the water..." At this point, Hiccup shakes his head to the camera. "Guarding our stuff."

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