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Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

Hiccup was sitting at the edge of the Edge, drawing the setting Sun and the horizon. Nowadays he rarely drew something just for fun. Usually, he needed to use his skill to draw the schematic of some invention he wanted to make. Not that that wasn't fun to do, but drawing a picture was definitely more relaxing than the latter.

As he was working, suddenly a pair of legs appeared at his sides. He felt Astrid's chest pressing against his back, and the girl put her head onto his right shoulder. "Hey babe," she greeted him, leaving a kiss on his jaw. "What are you working on?"

Hiccup held up his sketchbook, to show her his drawing. "Nothing important. I just wanted to take a break."

Astrid took the book and took a closer look at the picture. "It's amazing, Hiccup... I will never understand how can you make something like this."

"It's not that hard actually. Come on," he stood up, "I will teach you."

"Teach me? But..." She couldn't finish the sentence, since Hiccup already went into his hut.

"Come on!" He hurried her from the inside. He was so excited, Astrid just couldn't say no to him. She went into the hut where Hiccup had already cleaned his table and put a piece of paper onto it. "All right. We will start with something easy. Let's draw that apple," he pointed to a fruit in the corner of his desk.

"I don't know Hiccup," she said uncertainly as she sat down, but the boy interrupted her.

"Don't worry, it will be great." He stepped behind the girl and leaned forward, so their heads were next to each other. "Do you see that red spot on it?" He asked as he pointed to the fruit again. "Start there. Don't worry, I will help you," he assured her, because he must have sensed that she was still uncertain.

He reached out for her hand, in which she held the pencil and started to direct it on the paper. As he did so, he was constantly talking to her, explaining what he was doing and why. But Astrid actually couldn't pay attention at all. She was just looking at the paper, on which the apple slowly started to get it's shape.

Over time her attention shifted to the boy, who was intently talking about something as he fixed his eyes on his work. He was so cute when he went this deep into concentration. She looked at his face. His slightly frowned eyebrows, his lips, as he sometimes nibbled at them... It was that pure Hiccupness she loved so much.

At one point he realised she was looking at him and not their work, so he stopped. "You are not paying attention, are you?" He complained.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," she smiled. "You are way cuter than that apple." She wrapped her arms around the boy's neck and pressed her lips against his. At first Hiccup kissed back, but then he suddenly backed away.

"I'm sorry," he said with a shady grin. "No apple, no Hiccup. You can't get only me. We are a package."

Astrid tried to quickly lean forward and kiss him again, but he was faster, so he backed away even more in time. But she had another idea already. "All right," she said as she settled back into the chair. "Then help me finish this."

Hiccup stepped behind her again, and put his hand onto hers, ready to continue the drawing. However, this time Astrid was faster than him. She grabbed his hand, turned around and basically jumped over the surprised boy. They both landed on the floor: Hiccup on his back and Astrid, sitting right on top of his chest. She quickly grabbed both hands of the boy and pushed them down to the ground as she stretched out her legs, so she was lying on top of him. Her head was right above Hiccup's.

"Could you at least let go of my hands?" He complained.

Astrid did as he asked. "So, do you still want that apple?" She asked back joyfully, but the boy didn't answer. He instantly wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on her lips. Astrid buried his fingers into the boy's hair, and they rolled over so know she was under him.

When they took apart, they were both gasping and laughing. Hiccup pressed his forehead against hers. "You know, I could really teach you to draw, if you would want to." It was more of a question than a statement.

"I know babe," she agreed as she left little kisses on his jaw. "But I would rather watch you as you are doing your amazing drawings."

"I suppose that's fine too," he responded, trying to stand up, most likely to go back and finish the apple.

"I didn't mean right now, you muttonhead." Astrid reached out for his shoulders and pulled him back to her chest. That shady grin appeared on his face again. "Now you were just pulling my leg, weren't you?"

"I would never dare to do that," Hiccup whispered to her joyfully. He placed his forehead back onto hers, and they looked into each other's eyes as they exchanged a few short kisses.

After this they stayed on the ground for the better part of that evening.

If you have any comments, constructive criticism or story suggestions, please leave them here. I love reading about your thoughts.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night!

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