The Cook

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Takes place after How to Train Your Dragon: Hidden World. Astrid is five months pregnant.

One day a stranger's ship had arrived to the ports of New Berk. On board there was only one man, with huge pile of goods. As Chief of the island, it was Hiccup's responsibility to welcome the traveler and get to know him well enough, that he could decide whether he was dangerous or completely harmless. Like if he didn't have more than enough duties already, especially now, that Astrid was expectant with their first baby...

Hiccup unwillingly walked down to the docks, meanwhile in his head, he was already putting together a schedule for the next day, which would allow him to spend more time with Astrid. The girl was very moody nowadays, and it felt like, his place was beside her. Luckily Valka, Gobber and the gang was there to help them out, but, despite all their efforts, his days were still really busy.

And on top of all this Astrid's newest habit was constantly changing her mind about what she wanted to eat. She asked for fruit, so he went to get her some fruits, but when he came back, she was already longing for vegetables. When he got those, she wanted meat, and this went on, and on, and on... Eventually, she almost ate nothing. Hiccup loved the girl, and obviously, he was crazy about the fact, that they were going to have a child, but the girl's constantly changing mood had driven him crazy. All he wanted was just finding her some food, she would eat. Maybe this traveler had something on his ship...

Hiccup reached the docks, and instantly found the newcomer's stranger ship. The passenger – a robust, greyhaired man, with a heavy mustache in his forties – was standing on board and examined a piece of paper with great interest. Hiccup coughed to get his attention, and the man quickly put down his paper, and walked up to him.

"I am Hiccup, the Chief," greeted him the boy. "I've just heard about your arrival. Welcome to New Berk!"

"Thank you, Master Hiccup! I'm a trader from a distant land, but I've been all around this world. I was hoping, your people might be interested in some of my goods, and I could stay here for a couple of days, to refill my supplies. Oh, yes, and my name is Johann," introduced himself the trader, as he reached out with his right hand. Hiccup's eyes widened for a moment, but then he took the man's hand and shook it.

"Johann," he muttered to himself.

"Is everything all right, Master Hiccup?" asked him the trader.

"What did you say, where are you from?"

"Ah, just a small, southern land. You wouldn't know it," waved Johann. "So. Do I have your permission to stay?"

Hiccup was pulled back from his thoughts, which were wandering on past events. His guts told him, that something was wrong with this man, but it was most likely only because of his name, and how he called him 'Master Hiccup,' like another Johann did, not that long ago. Anyway, everything else seemed to be fine with the trader. And he needed to focus on more important tasks than trying to figure out why his instincts acted like the way, they did. Like getting something to eat for Astrid.

"Um, yeah... Yes, of course. Everyone is welcomed here," he responded finally. "Actually, I would like to take a look at your goods too. Do you have any fruits, or something edible, that doesn't grow here?"

"Yes. Yes, definitely," started nodding rapidly and heatedly Johann, as he led Hiccup to the storage compartments of his ship. "And I can cook some exotic meals too, if you will."

"Oh, no, we have our own cooks, but thank you."

"No, you have to try these, Master Hiccup, I insist. In exchange for your kind hospitality."


A day had passed, since Johann had arrived to the island, and Astrid was eating very well. She seemed to love the trader's meals. Hiccup had tried some of them himself. They were good indeed, but there was still something about this stranger, he didn't quite like. Something suspicious, he couldn't put his finger on. But at the moment he was sitting in front of Astrid, while Gobber took care of his duties and was looking at the girl, as she ate one of Johann's newest meals. He was just happy, her appetite came back.

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