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Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

Summer was always short on the Archipelago. Real summer I mean. But when it arrived, it hit hard every Viking, who was used to cold weather... So basically all of them.

Unfortunately, for him, Hiccup Haddock was no exception. On one of the first days of summer, he was outside, working on the mechanism of a broken ballista of the Edge, and he was so occupied with it, that he didn't even realise how warm that day was. He just took off his armour, rolled up his sleeves, and paid no more attention to the heat.

This led him to an unpleasant realisation by nightfall. As he finished with the ballista and started to walk towards his hut, he tried to roll down his sleeves and it was much more painful than it should have been. He looked down to his arms and saw that his skin turned all red. The Sun must have burnt him, while he was working. Oh, gods, how could he be this stupid?

But there was no way back at that point. He rolled down his sleeves in pain and stepped inside his hut. Astrid was sitting in his chair, her feet up on his desk and a plate with some food next to her. Hiccup couldn't help, but smile. She was always a sight.

"Hey babe," Astrid welcomed him, setting his feet on the ground. "It's yours." She pointed at the plate. "Some leftover from the supper. On which you did not show up, because...?"

"I was busy, working on the broken ballista," he finished the sentence for her, with a tired sigh.

"You shouldn't work this much, you know?" Astrid asked, as she got up and started to walk into his direction. "Especially on a day like this. It's scorching outside."

Hiccup grabbed her back, as she stepped in front of him, and they exchanged a short welcome-kiss. "I'm the only one, who knows how to fix a ballista, and it has to be ready all the time."

Astrid smiled at him playfully, as she put one hand on his chest. "So, did you at least finish with it today? I missed you in the afternoon."

"Of course, I did. I can fix anything," he responded proudly, even acting it up a little. She rolled her eyes, with a little smile in the corner of her mouth she couldn't hide and leaned closer to give him another, more passionate kiss this time. She ran her fingers through the boy's auburn hair, then moved her hand downer to his neck, to what Hiccup responded with a painful sigh, and backed away.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"No, it's ehmm..." he blattered, as he was massaging the back of his neck with one of his hands. "I may have gotten a little sunburnt, while I was working outside."

Astrid's expression instantly changed from surprised to an I-told-you-so look. "Let me see it," she said in a peremptory tone, as she grabbed Hiccup's shoulders and turned him around. For some moments it was just silence, then she said "you stupid moron," stressing every word.

"Come on, it can't be that bad," responded Hiccup as he turned back to face her. However, Astrid was already gone, walking upwards on the stairs. "Hey, where are you going now?"

"Come with me. You need a cure."

Hiccup did as she told him and went upstairs after his girlfriend. She was so sweet, when she cared about him like this, even if she tried to make it sound like, she was angry at him.

Astrid was opening a jar, full of a white ointment which was made by Gothi. It was a cure for burned skin. They had plenty of it on the Edge, since they were living with dragons, and thankfully Snotlout didn't expend all of their supplies yet.

"Take off your shirt," she commanded. Hiccup did as she asked and sat down on the edge of his bed. Astrid climbed behind him, with the jar in one hand. He could feel her breath on his hair. "All right. This might be going to sting a little," she said in a much more calm voice this time. At the same moment Hiccup felt a cold tingle on his neck, and he sighed in pain.

"A little, you said?" he asked between his clenched teeth.

"Hey, whose fault is that we are sitting here, curing your wounds, instead of being downstairs and having a nice supper together?" she asked back as she leaned forward to look him in the eyes. He couldn't lie to her, so he just sighed again.

Astrid applied the ointment at Hiccup's neck, then moved on to his arms. "You stupid muttonhead," she broke the silence after a while on an emotionless voice, as she was busy, working on his hand. Hiccup was pretty sure she didn't mean it, but she just wanted to talk with him. He could understand her: after a long, lonely day, he wanted to hear her voice too. "I told you, not to work all day. How could you forget about the Sun? We are in the very beginning of summer."

"I don't remember you, warning me about it either," he teased her.

"That's just because... I was..." Hiccup turned his head, to smile at her triumphantly. Astrid looked up, and realised that he was just pulling her leg. "Don't be so proud of yourself, muttonhead. It's still your fault," she told him as she was trying to hide a smile. Then, out of nowhere, she stung Hiccup's arm a bit, though it still hurt him very much.

"Hey!" He whined, pulling back his arm instantly. "What was that for?"

"Come on babe, it was nothing," Astrid told him with a smile, as she punched his shoulder softly. She closed the jar and left a little kiss on Hiccup's cheek. "You are done, anyway."

She tried to get up and put the jar back to its place, however Hiccup pulled her back. "Are you sure?" he asked playfully, while he lay back to his bed, and Astrid followed her as they started kissing. Hiccup's lips were sweet and soft, and she couldn't help, but snuggle into the boy's chest and melt into their kiss. That jar could wait some minutes after all.

"Aren't you hungry?" she asked him at last.

"Yes, I am," he responded between two deep breaths. "I haven't eaten since lunch. Though I haven't really spent time with you since launch either..." He acted as if he was in a great dilemma. "I choose the food."

For a moment Astrid seemed to buy his lie, then a shady grin appeared on her face. "I dare you to try it, Haddock," she told him, then she leaned closer to the boy and started kissing him again.

"Hey, you asked it," he responded between a breath and a kiss. He had absolutely no intention to leave her for some leftover food though, but it was always fun to tease his beauty. Not to mention it almost always ended like this. These were the happiest moments of their life.

"Hey Astrid," he said after a while. "I'm sorry for ruining the night with this stupid sunburning." It felt like, he owed her love with at least an apology after all that she had done for him.

Astrid pulled her fingers out of his hair, so she could lean on her hands and look him in the eyes. "Well it was a stupid thing, yes," she admitted, however she then smiled at him and pointed at his chest. "But these stupid things make you who you are. So, if it weren't for these stupid things of yours, you wouldn't be the stupid love of my life," she told him, stressing every 'stupid' word, with a little kiss on his jaw. "And if you really think that this night is ruined," she laughed at him as she leaned closer and closer to his face, "you are doing something really wrongly."

"This night is amazing," Hiccup whispered back to him, then he lifted his head a little, to kiss his beautiful Astrid.

If you have any comments, constructive criticism or story suggestions, please leave them here. I love reading about your thoughts.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night!

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