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Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

Astrid was eating in the Clubhouse alone. It was dark, the sun had already set down, and she had no idea, why was she still there. She didn't want to be alone. A storm had started to form outside, and she was shivering. She hated thunders and lightnings.

She whished for Hiccup. The boy was always there when she needed him, so where was he now? She wanted to stand up, leave that place, and search for him but her legs didn't work. Just when she was about to start panicking, Hiccup's silhouette appeared from the darkness. The boy had that comforting smile on his face, she loved so much.

"Astrid," he said, as he reached out for her. In the next moment a lightning struck, and it lit up the darkness of the Clubhouse. Astrid saw a shadow behind Hiccup. She wanted to jump up and help the boy or at least warm him about the figure, but she couldn't do anything. "Astrid," Hiccup said again, more urgently this time, as the shadow stepped right behind him and dragged him out of the room.

Astrid wanted to shout to him, but she was still unable to do anything. She just sat there, panicking, as she heard Hiccup's voice calling for her from somewhere. "Astrid! Astrid!"

The scene has changed, and she was sitting on a boat, tied to the mast. She saw her family, her friends, and even Stormfly too. Everyone was there who was important for her, and they were all beaten. Two faceless figures were beating Hiccup in front of her, but she couldn't help him. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak, she couldn't do anything. It was terrible. Hiccup whispered something. It was her name. She couldn't even respond to the boy, as he was desperately calling for her to help. Seeing the pain and confusion in his eyes, was worse than anything she had to endure before. She would have done anything, to end this suffering. It broke her heart to hear her name over and over from the disappointed Hiccup. "Astrid? Astrid?"

"Astrid?" The girl woke up with a start. As she sat up in the bed, her head bumped into something. "Ugh, what the... Well, that was my nose," Hiccup said on a nasal voice.

Astrid's eyes slowly got used to the darkness of the room. She remembered now: she was sleeping with Hiccup, and everything was all right. It was just a dream. Just a dream... But why did she still feel bad then?

"Are you all right?" the boy asked him, putting his hand on her shoulder, while he was still holding his nose in the other. "You were whimpering in you sleep, and I thought..."

"No, it's all right. It was nothing... Just a bad dream," she told him quickly, as she lay back on the bed. "You can go back to sleep, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" asked the boy curiously. Her voice must have betrayed her. She wasn't actually fine at all, in fact she was still panicking, and she had no idea why she didn't tell it to Hiccup. But she insisted now.

"Yes, don't worry," she said on a much calmer voice this time. "Thank you for waking me up."

Hiccup still gave her a suspicious look, but he eventually lay back to the bed too. She wanted him, to wrap his arms around her and comfort her as noone, but he could, however the boy was too occupied with his hurting nose at the moment. She couldn't blame him of course, after all that was her fault too. Deep down, Astrid knew, that she should just ask for his help, and he would give her everything she needed, but she just couldn't do it. It was almost like, she got paralyzed, just like in her stupid dream.

The girl lay on her back and listened to Hiccup's rhythmical breath, as she relived that dream in her head. She knew well, that she should have just moved on, but for some reason she couldn't stop thinking about what she saw, while she was sleeping. Hiccup's fearful, confused, and disappointed look... Her family, her friends... It was just too much.

Astrid thought about waking up Hiccup again, but this whole thing was only a dream, and she already told the boy that she was fine anyway. It was ridiculous. Fearing of a dream... It was not her. She carefully got up, paying attention not to wake up Hiccup and went downstairs, to have a cup of water. She knew, that she needed a distraction. Something what helped her to clear out her head. She thought, the water will do the trick, but it had no effect at all, so she hopelessly sat down at the table and started to think about her dream again. Maybe she just needed to face it, in order to get it out of her head.

She was so deep in her thoughts, that she didn't even realise Hiccup coming downstairs too, until the boy lit a candle. The sudden light scared Astrid so much, that she jumped in her seat. "All right, you are definitely not fine," said the boy as he put the candle to the table and sat down beside her. "What's wrong?" he asked her gently, as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Hiccup clearly knew, that Astrid had a problem. However, he didn't understand why she didn't tell him anything. He suspected that she felt embarrassed, because that nightmare scared her, but still... It disappointed him, that she felt embarassment in front of him. She didn't want to tell him what was her problem, and she didn't wake him up when she needed him. It wasn't right.

Hiccup had absolutely no idea what to do. Usually, he was the one who needed help, and the girl was the one who knew how to give it to him. It was terrible, seeing her this helpless, and not being able to do something about it. "You know, you can tell me anything, right?" he asked finally, but there was no response. Astrid didn't even look at him.

Now Hiccup was entirely out of ideas, so he just wrapped his other arm around the girl too. He hugged her tightly and she finally moved. She pressed her head against his chest and sighed a little. The boy let out a happy sigh too. Maybe, sometimes you didn't even need to talk, in order to help someone... He kissed the top of the girl's head, and started caressing her back. Astrid wrapped her arms around his back as a response and squeezed him tightly.

"You don't have to tell me about it," Hiccup whispered to her. "You wanna go up?" Astrid shook yes with her head, so they stood up and went back to the bed.

Hiccup put his hand on the girl's back, and pressed his lips against her forehead. Astrid put her hands onto his chest and nuzzled to him. The boy knew that everything was right around them now. He didn't needed Astrid to tell him what was her problem. The feeling of being able to comfort her with only a hug or a kiss, was much more important than that. He knew that she trusted and loved him, and that was more than enough.

After a little while he heard Astrid's voice. "Hiccup?"


"It was because of the dream."

"I know," he responded with a happy smile.

"Could you hold me a little tighter?" He knew that it was a hard time for Astrid, and that he should have felt sorry for her, but he couldn't help being happy about how she opened up to him.

"Anything for you," he said smiling, as he pulled her closer to himself.

If you have any comments, constructive criticism or story suggestions, please leave them here. I love reading about your thoughts.

Credit to Jenni ( for the great artwork up there.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night!

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