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Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

"Hiccup?" Shouted Astrid, as she stepped into her boyfriend's hut. "I'm back from patrolling."

"Hey," came the answer from upstairs. Astrid walked up and laid her eyes on the boy. He was sitting at his desk, drawing something excitedly on a paper. "I think I've found a way to make Toothless' tail stronger, faster and more steerable at the same time." He looked up only for a brief moment, to share this with her, and then went back to his work immediately.

"Wow, that's great, babe," smiled Astrid as she settled down beside the boy's bed and started sharpening her axe. She thought Toothless' tail was already good enough, but seeing Hiccup this excited made her happy too.

"I've been working on it since the morning." The boy quickly got up and stepped to the shelf, to get his ruler. As he went back to his desk, he gave a quick, grinning kiss to Astrid halfway. "It's going so great!"

"I'm sure," smiled Astrid as she suspiciously narrowed his eyes. "So you've been working on it since the morning? With no stops?"

"No stops at all!" gestured proudly with his hand the boy. He turned in his seat, and realised, that the cross handed Astrid was looking furiously at him. "Hey, you know me," he held up his hands protectively. "When I start working on something exciting, I won't stop until I'm finished. And this," he pointed at the papers behind him. "This is really exciting."

This wasn't the first time, Hiccup didn't want to stop working, but at least it happened really rarely. The worst occasion was, when he was working for two days and then simply just passed out on the floor. The boy was a very sane person, but sometimes he got so caught up in an idea of his, that he totally forgot about everything else going on in the world. Once he told Astrid, he made Toothless' first tale over one single night. Now, knowing the boy this well, she absolutely believed him.

"It's late in the afternoon already," complained Astrid. "You need to eat at least."

"But I'm fine, really. I will eat when I'm gonna be dying," joked Hiccup as he turned back to his work.

"Don't you ignore me like that, Haddock!" Astrid said threateningly, as she got up to her feet and stepped behind him.

Hiccup tilted back his head, so she saw the boy under her, upside down now. "You know I would never do that," he said sweetly as he pouted his lips. "But I love working on this." Astrid turned away from him and sighed a little. "What if I finish it before supper? Would that calm you down a bit? Astriiiid." She finally turned back and looked into Hiccup's happy eyes. "I promise, I will stop then."

Astrid calmed down, and ran her fingers through the boy's hair. He reached out for her hands and squeezed them a bit. "All right," she agreed at last. "I will get you some leftover from the supper then. But if you won't stop then..."

"I will!" assured her the grinning boy as he squeezed her hands one last time. Astrid left a sweet kiss on his lips, and then he tilted back his head to the papers.

As the girl was going down the stairs, she shook her head a bit in disbelief. Will she ever be able to say no to Hiccup? Most likely not. She was way too much in love for that.

She left the boy's hut and went to the stables to check on Stormfly. She spent the remaining hours of the afternoon with the dragon, flying, exercising and just having fun. At the supper, she laughed with the others on Snotlout, when he said something stupid and rolled her eyes whenever the twins did something even more stupid.

Eventually the Sun set down, and she stepped inside Hiccup's hut again, with a plate in her hands. "Hey babe," she shouted as she closed the door with her leg. "I hope you are done, because I got you some food!"

"Just five more minutes," came the answer from upstairs. Astrid rolled her eyes, but she put down the plate to the table and settled down on the couch with a satisfied sigh. She was in a good mood, and she didn't want to spoil it with some arguing over five minutes.

However, the time has passed, and Hiccup was nowhere. "Hiccup?" she tried again.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming!"

She put her head back to her arms, and closed her eyes again. This was her well-deserved resting time, after a long and exhausting day. Though the resting would have been even better with Hiccup.

"Hiccup!" she tried it again, a bit more menacingly this time.

"Yeah! Ehmmm... On my way... Just one more minute okay?" Astrid got up to her feet. Oh, he was so dead now. "A-Astrid? Are you still here?"

She stepped inside the boy's room with a furious, determined look on her face. "You. Eat. Now!" she commanded, as she gestured to the stairs, leading down to the table and the food.

"But-but-but-but-but, I think I've almost solved this problem with..." Astrid stepped to the boy and quickly took the paper from him. With her other hand, she grabbed Hiccup's arm, which was reaching out for the sketchbook, supposedly to save it from her fury and effortlessly turned it back a little, just to cause him enough pain to stand up. She grabbed the sketchbook and threw it under the bed, making Hiccup stare after it with a painful frown.

"Come on," she said as she gently pushed his back to make him start moving. "You will eat now. Remember eating?" she asked him teasingly. "That's when you consume food."

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Astrid," he responded sarcastically. "Why does she always win?" he mumbled to himself as he was going down the stairs. It made her smile.

Downstairs, Hiccup was eating like a starving man. Astrid stared at him from the couch, as he quickly ate the last bits of his supper and leaned back in his seat, with a satisfied sigh. She must have had an I-told-you-so look on her face, because the boy got up to his feet and shook his head. "Don't be so satisfied with yourself, m'lady!" he said as he walked towards her. "You might have just ruined Toothless' new tail."

"Oh really?" she asked teasingly. "And how exactly? By throwing a piece of paper under a bed?"

"Oh, you dork," Hiccup said in pretended fury. He jumped over Astrid on the couch and they playfully started to wrestle. At the end, the victorious girl was sitting on his chest.

"I always win," she said joyfully. "You should know that by now."

"Maybe I like to be beaten up by you," responded the boy.

"Why would you?" she asked as she leaned forward, already knowing what's coming.

"We usually start kissing after it." Astrid's lips reached Hiccup's, and they did, just as the boy said.

About half an hour later, the girl was lying on her side beside the boy. Hiccup's arms were wrapped around her, and she rested her head on his chest. She was talking about her day to him, when she realised, that the boy fell asleep.

At first she wanted to wake him up and tell him to go upstairs to their bed, but she quickly changed her mind. Hiccup looked so sweet as he was sleeping and he must have been really tired after all the work he has done that day too. Besides, couch or bed, it didn't matter. She couldn't possibly be more comfortable anywhere than in his hands.

Oh my God! The book has 1K reads already? Thank you for everyone who took their time to comment, vote, or simply just read my stories. You really made my day. Love you all!

If you have any comments, constructive criticism or story suggestions, please leave them here. I love reading about your thoughts.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night!

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