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Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

The gang was in the clubhouse when the rain started falling. At first they didn't really care about it. They were playing an intense Maces and Talons championship, and non of them was concerned about a little rain, especially since it was in the middle of summer. But soon it started pouring.

They didn't want to finish the game, only a couple rounds before the final, so some of them went out to prepare the dragons and the Edge for the water, while the others stayed inside and played their matches. What they weren't counting on was the ice, because yes, at the and that started to fall too. When they finished with their little championship (the winner was Fishlegs of course) and they opened the clubhouse's doors, they had to realize, they had no chance getting into their huts. It was completely dark, heavy winds were howling and the decks were slippery because of the ice. It would have been suicide to go outside. At least their dragons were safe in the stables.

"All right," Hiccup told them. "I guess we will have to wait out the storm here."

They all started to complain at once. The boy just ignored them, since he couldn't understand a word of what they were saying, and went to one of the chests in the clubhouse's corner, to search for sleeping bags.

"But what will we do?" He heard Ruffnut's voice. "It's freezing here."

"And it will only get worse," joined her the frustrated Snotlout. "We are almost out of wood, witch means we will soon be out of fire too!"

"That's why we have these," Hiccup told them, holding up the sleeping bags. "They will keep us warm, throughout the night."

"It sounds good Hiccup," Fishlegs told him hesitantly, as he pointed at the bags. "But there is six of us, and only three of them."

"What?" Hiccup quickly counted them. Fishlegs was right.

"Well that's just great Fishface, thank you so much!" said Snotlout.

"But how is this my fault?" mumbled Fishlegs. However, nobody heard him, since they were all complaining again.

Their noise was interrupted by a sharp whistle of Astrid. "We will share them, okay?!" She shouted at them. "Two person, one bag. At least we will be warmer this way."

Hiccup sent her a grateful look, as he handed out the bags: one for the twins, one for Snotlout and Fishlegs and one for Astrid and himself. They started complaining again in an instant.

"Come on," Hiccup tried to calm them. "It will be like a fun camping."

"There is no way I will sleep with Fishy," Snotlout told him.

"The feeling is mutual," said Fishlegs as he laid down their sleeping bag beside the firepit.

"If you don't change it, one of us will be dead by the morning, and rest assured, it won't be me."

"Keep calm Snotlout," responded Hiccup in a tired tone. "Imagine he is Thor Bonecrusher." And with that, he shifted his attention to Astrid and his sleeping bag. Snotlout saw that he can't change on anything so he went back to Fishlegs, as he muttered something about consequences.

Thankfully the twins solved their sharing problem by that time, and they were lying in their own beg now, so Hiccup could finally climb inside, beside Astrid. The bag was quite narrow for the two of them, but it was warm at least. And neither of them minded some snuggling. Most of their nights were like this anyway. He just wanted to wrap his arms around her neck and leave a kiss on her lips, when Tuff started to talk.

"Oh, my gods! Where is Chicken?! She wouldn't survive outside."

"If she was here, we could at least eat something," responded the angry Snotlout, who was trying to settle into a fitting position beside the already sleeping Fishlegs.

"Get that back at once, you... you..." Tuff was so angry, Hiccup was worried, that he might going to pass out. Then he realised, that wouldn't be that bad at all.

"Stop it you two!" Shouted at them Astrid. "Chicken is safe in the stables. I locked her inside, when I was feeding the dragons before the storm."

Finally it seemed like, that they all made peace with their situation. Hiccup rolled to his back, and put his head down on their pillow with a tired sigh. "Thank you," he whispered to the girl. Astrid gave him a beautiful smile, as she placed her hand on his chest and snuggled into his side. After a little while she crawled up to leave a quick kiss on his lips and said good night to him.

"Good night," smiled Hiccup. They all fell asleep shortly.


Hiccup woke up in the middle of the night. He heard the rain, knocking on the roof. The sound was occasionally interrupted by loud thunders. It was dark, and the fire went out already, but it was warm beside Astrid. However, for some reason his beauty was shivering, he realised. Astrid's face was sweaty. She was frowning and mumbling about something. She must have had a bad dream. Actually it wasn't too surprising in this storm, after what happened to her in another one before.

He tried to wake her up gently: "Astrid," he whispered to her ears, as he touched her shoulder. The girl woke up in an instant. She was gasping and she looked scared.

"Hiccup?!" She asked desperately in the darkness.

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here," he responded and wrapped his hands around her. She buried her face into his chest. "It's okay. It's just a storm."

"I dreamt that I was blind again," she whispered in a shock, as he grabbed Hiccup's shirt and pulled him even closer to herself. Hiccup started cuddling her back.

"Don't worry. It was just a dream." A thunder rumbled in the storm, and her body tensed. Hiccup hugged her even tighter now. He wanted her to feel safe, but he had no idea what else could he do. He felt so helpless. The feeling of not being able to help her... It was terrible. And he couldn't even imagine how Astrid felt herself at the moment. She was always brave and fierce, but now... It was one of her only weaknesses, and Hiccup knew well, how much she hated to be weak. "It's safe here, Astrid. Nothing can hurt you, I promise," he whispered to her ear, but she was still gasping and shivering. He placed little kisses on her forehead. "I'm sorry m'lady," he said bitterly. "I'm so so so sorry..."

"Don't," he heard Astrid's quiet voice, talking to his chest. She crawled up a little and pressed her forehead against his. "Thank you Hiccup," she said, though there was nothing to thank for. She was still shivering in fear.

Another thunder rumbled through the night and her body strained again. Hiccup pressed his lips against hers. He didn't think at all, he just did it instantly. Then he was afraid, that it will just make the situation even worse. But after the longest seconds he had ever had to endure she kissed back. She was in fear, she was maybe even in pain, but it still felt like the sweetest thing they had ever done. When they pulled back, he held her head in one hand and cuddled her back in the other.

Astrid was still gasping, but not out of fear any more, he realised. Her body was not shaking, and her gaze was clear and grateful. She smiled and snuggled her face under his jaw. "How did you know it will work?" She asked.

"I didn't know. Just did it."

The storm was rumbling around them, but they were finally calm. Together. Hiccup left a kiss on the top of her head, and they fell asleep together.

If you have any comments, constructive criticism or story suggestions, please leave them here. I love reading about your thoughts.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night!

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