Getting Drunk Together

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So, this is something of a closure to 'Drunk' and 'Reverse Drunk', but these stories are not continuous, so you don't have to read them in order to understand this one. Takes place during Race to the Edge. Hiccup and Astrid are dating.

The alcohol in Hiccup's body started to hit him. He knew, he was about to get drunk, but it didn't really bother him. He was working really hard on the Edge in the last days, and everyone needed to blow off some steam here and there. Besides, drinking together was almost a tradition among Vikings. He had to be good at it, especially because he was going to be chief one day. And when he got drunk, he was the nicest person anyway, so he really had no reason to stop drinking.

What bothered him, was that Astrid had just walked into the clubhouse, and she had started to drink with them too. It's not like, he wasn't happy to see her – he was really, really happy to see the beautiful girl – but he had only seen her drink once before, and that didn't really went well. In fact, Drunk Astrid was such a mad person, that they almost even broke up because of her.

"Hey babe," greeted him the girl with a wide smile, as she settled down beside him, holding a cup full of some drink, the twins gave to her.

Hiccup was pulled back from his thoughts. He gave a quick, welcoming kiss to her, and said "hey, Ast," with a slow tongue. "How was your afternoon?" he asked in a low voice, that only the girl could hear, so they would have some kind of privacy – even though the topic wasn't really private. But they liked to have conversations in this way anyway.

"Not so interesting," responded Astrid. "I just came back from exercising, and before that, I was patrolling... What are you drinking?" she asked curiously.

"Umm... Some ale," responded Hiccup, as he was trying to remember what it was. "I'm sure, Ruff and Tuff knows it... And you?" he asked back and tried to look at the inside of the girl's cup.

"Archipelago's White," told him Astrid as she sipped on the drink.

"Are you sure, it's a good idea?" asked her Hiccup. A voice somewhere in the back of his head told him that asking this question wasn't exactly a good idea itself, but he was beyond the point of paying attention to voices like that.

However, Astrid didn't mind it at all. "It's okay, babe," she assured him on a kind voice. "Last time, I had a bad day. But now, I'm perfectly fine," she said cheerfully. "Besides, I haven't been drinking for months."

"All right, all right," held up his hands Hiccup defensively. "You don't have to convince me." He trusted the girl. If Astrid said, she would be fine, he believed that she was indeed going to be fine. Or maybe the alcohol made him believe it. He wasn't sure at this point, but he didn't really care, either. If she was going to turn mad again, his own drunk niceness would balance it for sure... And also, he wanted to get drunk with her for ages, so this whole thing was really tempting.
"To what should we drink then?" asked Hiccup, as he held up his cup, and Astrid followed his example.

"For tonight," she told him.

"May it be fun!" agreed the boy as they looked into each other's eyes, nodded, and knocked their cups together. Now they could finally start the real drinking.

About half an hour later Hiccup was pretty sure, he got drunk. However, he had no intention to think about this, because the gang's activities seemed to be much more fun. At the moment Ruff and Tuff were trying to play arm wrestling, but they couldn't even catch each other's hands, to start the game; Fishlegs was sitting beside Ruff, and he was talking about the idea of a "super dragon" which was made out of the best parts of other dragons; Astrid sat on the opposite side of the table, between Tuffnut and Hiccup, and she was throwing knives at Snotlout – who was dancing on top of the table – missing his legs only by inches.

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