The Week - Thursday (Modern AU)

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Stoick had left, so Hiccup and Astrid has a whole week, they can spend by themselves in the empty house. They are 19 here.

They woke up late. Without any alarm clock or particular reason to get up, they were finally able to have a long, refreshing sleep. And even though, they went to bed around 8 o'clock in the evening before, they only opened their eyes at half past 9 in the morning.

"I hope you are not tired anymore," said Astrid as they were lying in the bed. "We will have to have some fun today," she added and pointed at the boy's chest.

"All right, all right," agreed Hiccup. "What about inviting the gang here and finally make that party tonight?" he asked as he caught his pointing finger with two of his fingers and started to play with it.

"Someone's in a good mood."

"Why? I've never opposed the party idea," replied Hiccup. The truth was: he was indeed in a good mood that morning. Maybe because of the long sleep...

"Except for the time, when you said, they are going to ruin the house."

"Oh, come on! That was just a joke."

"Ah, sure," nodded the girl, clearly not believing him.

"Oh, you..." Hiccup sat up, and grabbed Astrid by her sides. He pulled her closer to himself and started tickling her, but of course, after a couple moments of laughter she turned around the situation with only one or two skilful movements.

"You know what?" she asked, still holding Hiccup in her grip. "We should play Alien."

"All right, whatever you want," hissed the boy through her clenched teeth. "Just let me go, you sadist."

Astrid smirked at him, but she did as he asked.

"Why can't we just play without pain for once?"

"Where's the fun in that?" asked back Astrid. She walked to the couch and turned on the boy's console.

"You wanna play right now? We didn't even change our clothes. Or ate breakfast."

"Whatever," shrugged the girl cheerfully. "I'm not hungry. And we are free to do anything we want to. Just enjoy it."

"All right," agreed Hiccup. He grabbed his phone, got out of the bed, and dropped down beside his girlfriend on the couch.

"Why did you bring that?" she asked, as she started the game and gestured at the phone with her head.

"Oh, this is going to be my shield," explained the boy. "You can't expect me to just watch, as you are eaten alive by Aliens. When a scary part comes around, I will text the gang about the party tonight."

"You are killing all the fun out of it," told him Astrid as she shook her head. She was fixing her eyes on the screen, where she was already sneaking around in a dark spaceship.

"So, let me get this straight. You are only playing that, to get me scared?"

"Well, kinda. Mostly..."

"Then, I really can't use this," sighed Hiccup and dropped his phone to the other side of the couch.

Astrid looked at him and left a sweet kiss on his face. "You're the best, Babe."

In the next couple of hours, Hiccup sent the message, anyway. He got scared at least a thousand times before that though, so Astrid really couldn't complain about it. At one point, he tried to play too, but he continuously ridiculed the monster, to make the suspense scenes bearable, so eventually Astrid told him, that didn't play properly and got back the controller. While she was playing, he made some sandwiches for themselves too, so they could at least have some kind of breakfast. Around midday, they finally decided, that they had had enough and finished playing. They ate lunch together and sat out to the garden again, as they did a couple of days ago.

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