The Week - Wednesday (Modern AU)

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Stoick had left, so Hiccup and Astrid has a whole week, they can spend by themselves in the empty house. They are 19 here.

It was midnight, and the couple was about half across the new season of Stranger Things. At the beginning, they were sitting next to each other and watched the show with great interest, but by now Hiccup was lying on his back and Astrid on top of him, her head resting on his chest. Both of them were getting tired, and occasionally distracted, usually by starting to make out with each other.

"We're gonna miss what's happening," said Hiccup during one of these sessions, when their lips parted, so they could catch their breaths.

"They are just talking," replied Astrid as she put her hands onto the sides of the boy's head. "It's enough to only listen to it."

"You are making sense," admitted it Hiccup, when he saw the girl closing to him and longed for the feeling of their lips crushing again. He didn't have to wait long, as, in the next moment, their mouths met, and he put his arms around her, caressing her back, and pulling her even closer to himself.

The rest of the season went by like this. They didn't miss the most important parts, though. It was way less scary than the previous two seasons too, and Hiccup was honestly glad for that.

Around 4 o'clock in the morning, when the sun was already about to come up, they've finished, but before they could go to bed, Hiccup got an email.

"Oh, come on," he sighed in disappointment. "Tomorrow, I will have to go to the city for some data checking for college."

"Really?" asked Astrid, who was half-asleep, still in his body.

"I'm not happy either, but yeah..."

"You sure, you need to be there personally?" she asked, as she turned her head to look up at him, a bit more awake, and placed her chin onto his chest.

"Yeah. Around two in the afternoon," replied the boy, who was still reading the mail on his phone.

"Owww... I'm sorry Babe," told him half sincerely, half sleepily Astrid. She raised her torso to leave a loving kiss on Hiccup's jaw, then she placed her head under the crook of his chin, relaxed her body, and closed her eyes.

"Ehmmm... Hey. Astrid?"

"Mhm?" she sighed contentedly.

"You won't fall asleep here, right? The bed is literally three steps away." There was no response.


Astrid woke to the sound of the alarm clock. She was lying in Hiccup's arms on the bed, but she had no idea, how did they got there. The boy groaned in frustration behind her, and she turned to face him. She grabbed his phone behind his back, and stopped the alarm, because it didn't seem like, he was about to move in some time.

"Hiccup," she told him gently, as she put her hands onto his chest and left a kiss at his chin. The boy just groaned again. "We gotta go to the city."

"You don't have to come," he mumbled, with his eyes still closed.

"And stay here, waiting for you the whole day? No way. I wanted to go home for a couple of stuff anyway. I could do that, while you are waiting in that office."

Hiccup didn't respond. He might as well didn't even hear, what she was saying. He just pulled her closer to his body, dived his head into her shoulder and sighed contentedly. But no matter how good it felt to lay there, Astrid knew that they had to get up, to catch their train.

"Just so you'd know Babe; I'm doing this out of love," she said.

"What? Aw, hey-hey-hey-hey-hey, I'm awake. I'm awake!"

In the next hour they got themselves ready for the trip. They showered, put some clothes on, drank a big bowl of coffee and ate a light breakfast. They caught their train, talked about a couple of stuff on the way, and arrived at the city in time. There, they said good bye to each other: Astrid traveled further, to get her stuff from her house, and Hiccup went into the office, where he had to check in some of his card numbers.

Not exactly the afternoon, he was hoping to get. He wanted to be with Astrid, doing particularly nothing: just hanging around in the house, joking and talking about a whole bunch of nonsense. Instead, he had to wait in a tremendous line, just to finally be able to read out a couple of numbers and show his card to a lady on the other side of the glass. By the end of the whole thing, around 5 o'clock, he grow weak, tired and frustrated, longing for only one thing; going home with Astrid.

"I know, that I've been up for only about six hours, but this felt like a really long day," he told her, as they got up to their train and sat down next to each other.

"And it's not over yet," replied Astrid cheerfully. "Wanna do something from the list, when we get back?"

"Oh, please don't," he begged her. "I'm done for today... You have no idea how the bureaucracy works in this country."

"Ah, and you do," mouthed back at him Astrid jokingly. This managed to finally get a smile out of the young man.

Hiccup closed his eyes and lay back in the seat. "The struggle, I had to endure," he said as if he was a martyr.

Astrid put an arm around his shoulder, and he lay his head down on hers. She understood how tired this journey made Hiccup, even if she was joking about it, and she was glad, that she could be there for him, when he needed someone. She was glad, she was his someone.

They got home around 6 o'clock. When the train arrived, Astrid had to wake up the boy, who was sleeping on her shoulder. Of course, he had to leave a comment on the situation: "All right, maybe you are my couch, too."

They ate dinner together in the house, which was technically more like a lunch for them and decided to go to bed early. Astrid wasn't particularly tired, but obviously, she had no problem with laying around with Hiccup, either.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked him. She was sitting on a pillow, beside the boy, who was lying on his stomach, his head resting on his crossed arms.

"Three days are gone, four is remaining. And our list is still fairly long."

"Four days is plenty of time."

Hiccup seemed to be thinking about this for a while, then his expression turned concerned, and he said: "Astrid, I'm sorry we haven't really done anything today."

"Stop worrying Hiccup," told him the girl, kindly. "This is our vacation. We do whatever we want to do."

"Yeah, but I know, you wanted to actually do something," sticked to his point the boy stubbornly.

"Right now, I want you to feel good. You are tired, so just lay back and relax," she told him as she started rubbing the muscles on his neck and around it.

"Ever so cheesy," joked the boy as he sighed in content. At first, Astrid wanted to peck his skin as a comeback, but eventually she dropped the idea. Hiccup deserved some unbothered rest, after his long day.

"Thank you Astrid," he mumbled, as the girl kept massaging his back. "You are perfect."

She bent down her head to the boy's level, and whispered: "You're welcome." She left a kiss on his chin, then sat up again, and continued to rub his shoulders.

Soon, Hiccup fell asleep under her arms, and after a short while Astrid followed him. The girl stopped massaging him, read a couple of pages of her book, and finally snuggled into the side of the snuffling boy. She closed her eyes and fell asleep with the familiar, sweet scent of Hiccup's body.

If you have any comments, constructive criticism or story suggestions, please leave them here. Thank you for reading and have a good day/night!

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