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I opened my eyes and gasp softly as i am met with picth black, I look around and i only see darkness. "where am i?" i jump slightly at my voice and raise my hand to cover my mouth, is voice? do i really sound like that?it sounds...I sound like a mythic bitch!?

I laugh silently at my little shananagain and tried to get to my feet all while taking a glance around now as i finish rubbing my eyes i see the shape of a door it seems so i react by heading slowly towards it carefully only tripping a few times still trying to get used to walking in a straight line, i try to open the door but it appears to be locked?

i lightly shove the door but still nothing so i put all my weight against the lead grey door and ram into it only for it to open swiftly causing me to stumble out and crash onto the hard cold ground with a painful thud.

I pant lightly as i sit up and clear my eyes from the oncoming tears that had started forming from the harsh impact that i had just indured when i fell, i rub my right shoulder blade which just so happens to be current the center of my pain right now.

I sigh out a defeated sigh and stood up staggering a little i finally glide my hands up and down my body, inspecting all the nooks and craneys that i have from my thigh high dark indigo healed boots withtwo yellow diamons on each side to my plump lips.

I start to think about everything and start peicing everything together at last, my gem? its a...I AM AN INDIGO DIAMOND.

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