Joking Victim

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Steven was washing sand off of his feet at a faucet as me and Ame approached him.

" Hi honey." i say with a small smile

" Heyo Stevonnomie, You wanna try some special new french fries? " Ame offers Steven a cup of red french fries

" Do I! " Steven says happily and grabs some as he eats a handful of fries while i stand on me heals watching

Ame chuckles loudly as i let out a laugh of my own while Steven, unwittingly, joins in, until his face begins to turn red.

Steven starts screaming " HOT!"

" They're special because they're seasoned with Fire Salt! " Ame said as I pull out a vial of Fire Salt and show him it

Steven with his face burning red quickly attempts to turn the faucet back on but it breaks off, forcing him to sprint towards the Big Doughnut, all while Ame and I laugh at him. I am such a great parental figure huh...

" haha well, i better go after him so I'll see you later then Ame. Thanks for the fun time!" I say with a wink and her cheeks tint darker and waves as i walk away in a rush to find Steven

I walk into the big doughnut and see Steven Lars on the ground in a puddle of soda which im guessing was Steven's cause, Steven looked at me and i gave him 'the look' before he turnt back around to face lars and sighed sadly.

Steven took in an exhausted breath " Sorry, Lars."

" Ugh, Steven! Who do you think has to clean up this mess? " Lars said still not noticing me there beside Steven as he turns to Sadie " Sadie, clean up this mess."

Sadie groans annoyed "No way, it's your turn. I cleaned the last five 'Stevens'."

" Aww, come on. That fall messed up my back. " Lars rubs his back "It hurts, really bad."

Sadie rolls eyes and brings out a mop and a bucket " Fine. Move aside, I'll take care of this. Could you grab the soap?"

Lars faked an anguished groan as i rolled my eyes " Oh! It hurts! Sooo much! " He exaggerates his 'back pain'

" Maybe you should take the da-" I cutted Sadie off with a " He's faking it."

Lars snaps upright " What?! No I'm not!"

" Point proven." I stated and Sadie glared at Lars

Lars grumbles and leaves anyway making Sadie sigh out annoyed

" Wait, I can't run this place by myself!" Sadie said

Steven walks over with a large pile of napkins and drops them directly on the puddle while i bend down and wipe the mess up

" I can help! This place has given me so many delicious donuts. It's time I gave back." He said as i pat his head and peck his cheek before leaving his to do his own little thing.---

"Oh, White? I-I just wanted to say something?" I asked while she nodded

" White...Please don't go anywhere. I genuinely don't know what I would do without you by my side, holding my hand through all the good decisions, and even a few of the bad but Let's not talk about those...You've been both a rock and a guiding star to me although not always guiding me down all of the appropriate paths. Every giggle was worth it though the two of us creating memories that re no doubt going to last us a lifetime. Whatever happens, wherever we find ourselves and whomever we met, let's just always stay in touch, yeah? It would be weird not to have you around now! ...." I say honestly as a stray tear rolled down her perfect bleached white cheek and once our eyes locked a smile spread across her lips and i was pulled into a bone crushing hug as i felt myself tearing up, we were now whispering many things all while still in each others arms.

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