Serious Steven

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Just so you know me and Garnet didn't get all frisky like i hoped we were interrupted because of a mission ;-; ...

The Gems and I are currently warping and Steven brought his ukulele with him.

" Pay attention Steven, this is going to be your first serious mission. You need to be ready." Garnet said, i nudge her slightly

" honey make sure your having careful fun!" i say while blowing him a kiss

Steven was warping upside down excitedly"Yes! I'm ready, I'm so ready! I will do so!"

" Steven come on, you're gonna make yourself sick. " pearl says as she turns him upright, gets hit in the eye by Steven's ukulele then scoffs while i laugh "Why did you bring that?"

Steven anxiously answered with a  "I don't know! I was excited, and i-it's mine, and I like it! " suddenly the ukulele floats away and Steven swims after it." Huh?"

 "Steven get back here! You could get seriously-" Pearl gets interrupted by us arriving at our location

We all warp into the old battlefield, Steven warps several feet into the air and several yards away and falls so i quickly run over and catch him. I place him down but he just walked a few steps and slipped falling on a strawberry

"... Hurt!  Steven! Are you-" pearl starts

" I-I'm fine! I'm good, I'm just.... Gooey now." He licks his arm and sees a bunch of butterflies swarm up to him, clinging to his face. "Aah! They're in my eyes!" he runs frantically yelling and then trips.

I go over and swat them away "They're just butterflies, Honey."

Steven gets up laughing "Well, they looked a lot bigger when they were on my eyeballs."

Amethyst laughs "Steven, you're a riot!"

Pearl Looks towards Garnet "I'm suddenly having second thoughts about bringing Steven on this mission..."

Garnet puts hand on Pearl's shoulder "Shh... Just look at him. " Steven motions me over and i obey we he whispers into my eat i giggle and nod, counting to three we both strikes poses "Now let's go recover the gemstone."

The gems, me and Steven begin walking through the field, littered with swords stuck in the ground

Pearl starts observing the field "Unbelievable, this was once a Gem battlefield, now it's wild strawberries as far as the eye can see! " she twirls "Oh, that's what I love about the Earth! Maybe this will be a light mission after all."  she bumps into Garnet" Oomph. "backs away

Garnet says a "...Maybe not." Before she summons the missing piece in Pyramid and places it into slot, door opens

Steven gasped "Woah!"

Steven enters temple dragging me "Woah! Steven's the best! " It echoes back "Why thank you, temple." He makes us pose again

Ame laughed " You're both a doof."

Steven still dragging me runs over to floating Pyramid in the center "Hey, what's this thing? It's like a cool floaty triangle thing."

" Whatever it is, I'd rather you not touch it." i say while gazing at it

YET Steven touches it, the gem tips over, the temple begins to shake, and the Gems quickly rush towards us

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