So Many Birthdays

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Steven and the rest of us are walking through the piles of random junk in Ame's room, in search of an object causing the foul odor throughout the temple, i yawn and stretch my arms out humming in delight when i hear a crack.

Pearl looks at Amethyst " How can you live like this?"

Ame rolled her eyes "It was fine 'til you guys started whining."

Pearl covers her nose " Whining?! The whole temple reeks!"

" be quiet already, the temple reaks and Ame has something in here that caused it. Lets just find it then I can get back to sleeping" I grumble

Steven probes some garbage with a stick and retrieves something wrapped in tinfoil.

"I found it!" Steven shouts

Pearl pinches her nose " What matter of magical alloy is this?"

"this thing kills..." I say while gazing wide eyed at a dead pile of rats

Steven unwraps the tinfoil, and a puff of green gas plumes out.

"It's a burrito." Garnet pointed out as i hid behind her with only my head peaking out.

I smirked once i saw the disgusted faces " Eat It!?" i shouted out at her she gave me a sly nod, Ame takes the visibly rotten burrito " It's the Tuna Burrito from Aqua-Mexican!"

"That place closed like five years ago! " Steven said as Ame takes a bite of the burrito, Steven flinches in disgust and Pearl looks on in horror while i cheer from my spot.

" Huh, what's this? " Steven spots a painting of us and Rose on it " It kinda looks like you guys and my mom-er! my real mom."

Pearl gasped excitedly " Oh Steven, that is us."

Steven cocked a brow "Really?"

Garnet crossed her arms "The hard part was getting the shark to pose."

" that was hell" I chuckled

Steven rose a brow "Why is everyone dressed like old timey people?"

Pearl places the painting on top of a junk pile " well, They are old timey people."

Steven gasped " Wait... But that would mean... how OLD are you guys?"

"Much older than any human." Pearl says whie gazing at it

"Does that mean you'll live forever?!" Steven said with star eyes

"No hun it dosent mean that, We don't age. " I say as Steven makes a huge smile. " But...we can still get hurt and die." Steven's smile quickly turns into a big frown. Ame then starts moaning in pain, visibly sickened, and keels onto the ground." ...But not from food poisoning." Pearl adds on

"I just can't believe you guys are like a bazillion years old! How do you find a cake big enough for all those candles?" He asks while i chuckle

Garnet briefly looks at Pearl " We don't really celebrate birthdays.

Steven gasps loudly "Why not?!"

Garnet shrugs " It's not our way."

"Well I can't just ignore this travesty of unjustice. I pledge that you will have your birthdays, with all the candy, cake, and ice cream you've been denied." Steven poses proudly and determined

Just then Ame throws up Pearl looks away disgusted while i laugh and watch curiously unti Garnet sighs and pulled me away.

Outside, several birthday decorations are set up.

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