Mirror Gem

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Steven was lying on the couch in the living room, talking on his phone with Connie all while i was in the kitchen washing up some dishes from breakfast.

" Whhaaatt? Why not?" I heard Steven ask

Steven flops off the couch " What's summer vacation?"

" I've never been to this... How do you say— 'school'. How does it work?" Steven says, aww this is so cute to listen too!

" Hmm." Steven hummed

" I see." Steven said, oh i wish i could hear what Connie was saying those two have grown so close it was utterly adorable.

Shortly after, Steven begins to assemble a pile of school equipment in the kitchen with the help of Pearl beside me as i sat on a stool drinking some coffee that i had prepared earlier.

Steven examines the pile " Yep, it's all coming together."

Pearl adds a desk to the pile " So, how do we begin our "school'?"

" Ugh... I... I don't know! This is everything Connie told me. Why do I never ask follow-up questions?! Who will teach little Stevie now!?" Steven said as i placed my cup into the sink and tried to balance myself after neary tripping over a stray book

Pearl gasps " Teach you?! Steven! If only I had known that's what you really wanted!" She gets up "Twooooh!" She begins doing the same dance from awhile ago, Steven wouldnt stop talking about it " Haaaaaah!"

Pearl's gem begins to glow, as she summons a mirror from her gem. She begins to explain as the mirror twirls in mid-air. That Mirror...

" We found this Gem-powered mirror at the Galaxy Warp. It can capture and display any event it's witnessed in all of Gem history." She hands me the mirror smiling after noticing my curious stare towards it " It'll offer you everything you've ever wanted to know about your fellow Gems and our culture"

" It...I like this mirror..." I mumbled

Steven smiled at me and looks at the mirror that was in my hands "I must be incredibly important to Gem culture." He said

Pearl scoffs " It isnt that important anyway. It hasn't even been activated." She clears her throat " Show us the Galaxy Warp."

The mirror does nothing except show my reflection "Show. Us. The Galaxy Warp." She growls getting frustrated " Oh, come on!" She goes to grab the mirror but i move it away and out of her reach

Steven gasps and laughs as i poke my tongue out at her

" I know you've seen it." She calms down and looks at the mirror and sighs

" It is in pretty rough shape. It must finally be broken. What a shame."Pearl said

I smile at myself in the mirror " It doesn't seem to be broken to me Pearl, could i keep it?" I ask hopeful

" Oh well, of course you can Indy as it has no use anymore. I guess that's the end of our school Steven." She said

Steven gets excited " Whoa. Wha... So you could say... School's out for summer?"

" Yes. Good, Steven. There are many ways to say the same thing." Pearl said

Steven gasps " School's out!" Steven runs out of the house

Pearl was looking at the pile " Hmm. The asymmetry of this pile is really starting to bother me."

" have fun sorting Pearl, I will see you later" I say as i left out of the house walking towards the big doughnut when i see Lars and Sadie i looked down for a moment but almost instantly bumped into someone.

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