I Am Relaxed

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i laugh out and turn the radios volume up a notch or two as i swing my hips and wave my arms in since with the beat that the small boombox was blasting out through the house, I was enjoying the little moments like this and i mean it when i say that i enjoy them cause its the only moments i have that i can have my guard down and let everything out.

I freeze upon hearing someone shut off my tunes and slowly turn around to see pearl standing beside Garnet who had her arms crossed oh boy here we go, I sigh out loud and dramatically hanging my head down low and stepping forward three or so steps.

" What do you think your doing Indy?" Pearl said while eyeing my form

" Having a good time?" I question nervously as her gaze sharpened

" No, Try again" She offered as i groaned

" I was making awfully rude and unneeded movements while creating a loud and unneeded noise pollution." I say while narrowing my eyes as Pearl seemed happy with my response unlike Garnet who continued to face me unmoving and arms firmly crossed

" Good. Now clean up this mess you have created and get ready for the day" Pearl told me as she turn and picked the radio up carrying it away towards her room most likely to shove it away with other belongings of mine or everyone's that i have used before.

I tunt towards Garnet to only see that she hadnt moved an inch.

" Mornin' Garny" i say with a chirpy voice while walking over to the sink to clean the dishes i had used when baking the cupcakes that were now in the fridge waiting for Ame to find and devour them, I pick up a spoon and start scrubbing.

" Good Morning LoveBug, Still feeling positive even after another scolding from Pearl huh" Garnet asked well more of stated the asked really

I nodded while humming an upbeat tune as my washing up process seemed to go faster and faster until i had finished off half of the work i had started only seconds prior, Garnet sighed and walked over so she was standing beside me and grabbed the wash cloth from my grasp i in surprise looked up at her.

" Good. now I have your full attention. I wanted to tell you that I-I...-that Steven was looking for you" Garnet said

" Oh, thanks for telling me Garny...I better get a wiggle on and find him" I say with a giggle and press myself Garnet in a form of a quick hug, i shoot a smile her way and dash off out the front door and down the steps quickly dashing my way across the sand towards the city in search of Steven.

" we blew it again Sapphire! why can't we just blurt it out already and get it over with...i know how you feel Ruby but it isn't quite that easy as you have already seen many many many times before, we will wait until we have her to ourselves...argh! fine, i'm just sick of stuttering out excuses to her. the sooner we get ask her the sooner we can move on with our lifes...you and I know that it isn't that simple, we have just be patient Ruby. She mighten take the idea of fusing that lightly as she could be sensitive to the subject....But, what if she says yes? What if she says no? I really want to fuse with her. "

I giggle and splash Steven again as a wave of water crashed down against me making me momentarily go under the surface and swallow some water in the process but i push myself up and i cough out the water taking deep breaths I slowly open my eyes only to be met with two worried looks, my eyes widen and i am immediately am hit with guilt so i force a wide smile and laugh out loud as they calm down but i can tell theyre still concerned.

" Hey, I'm fine guys! that was fun, i saw fish?" i say while giggling out every now and agian to make it more convincing.

" I think I heard Pearl calling me, Better go and see what she wants before she rips me a new one. Bye bye you two" i say as I wade out towards the shore line and trudge my way in the temples direction my hair clinging to my face uncomfortably, i reach the steps and shake my body like i had seen a dog do once when i was helping Greg out at the car wash that one time i shook and water was flung everywhere in the process but even still i was still soggy and now even more annoyed so i just went inside and i almost instantly heard a gasp and a voice boom out.

" Indy!? what are you doing in here drenched with water and creating a big mess which i will have to clean up no doubt, go into your room this instant and please tidy yourself up." Pearl says to me ending in a disappointed sigh.

I say nothing and jog my way to the temple door and entered in to my room...

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