Things Arent The Same

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I yawn out loud and add an annoying little noise to the end of it earning a laugh from the younger half gem beside me who soon yawned aswell and copied my action, we yawned and made sounds while laughing we soon settled down and finished eating our cereal which was fruit loops for me and cornflakes for him i swirled my spoon our in the bowl of milk and placed the metal utensil down before tipping the bowl up to my lips and sculling it down making loud and obnoxious slurping noises to accompany it.

I placed my dishes into the sink and washed them up before turning around and coming eye to eye with pearl who gave me a awkward shy smile as i gave her a a grin in return which seemed to ease the tension that was in the air between us, i took a quick look at my phone to see that it was already nine am which meant i was going to be late so i quickly dashed towards the door.

I quickly speed walked my way along the beach and into the city heading straight towards Vidalia's house where i was meant to meet a friend of mine his name was Sourcream and I came into view of the house i had searched for and noticed the garage door wide open and with Sourcream in the wide open space acompanied by a turn table and other equipment that even i struggled to remember.

We shot smiles at eachother and i set to work on sorting out music sheets and pages upon pages of lyrics we had written up the night before

" Hey Sourcream!" I say chirpily and he hummed waving me a silent greating

" I'll just sort and stack these before heading into the study to scoop up some spare paper along side some pens" I confirm

" Great, and i will keep working on this peice while your doing that" He said with a grin

It was midnight and i had finally finished all of the sorting and i can say for certain that i am buggered...I am so dead!?! Pearl is going to kill me!-no...GARNET is going to kill me!!!

I quickly manuver my way out of the garage and ran towards the beach as i soon feel myself finding it harder to run i can tell that i have reached sand but as i continue my fast pace i see no lights on? i might get away from this yet.

I make my way up the stairs and sneakily open the door and enter i look around the dark room and see no one so i relax and let out breath i didnt know i was holding.

" you really thought you would get away with this?" i hear a smooth voice ask from the couch and jump slightly

I tense up when seeing an outline of Garnet as she stood up and made her way towards me, i bit my tongue and waited quietly " I-I did for a second or so" i admit and she chuckled placing her hand onto my cheek caressing it gently as i felt the outline of her gem on her palm press up against my tender skin.

I without knowing it leant against her palm causing her to freeze up suddenly and blush.

" Y-you better get some rest, we will talk about this more tommorrow. Just so you know if you ever come home this late again i will not be letting you go so easily" Garnet told me as i blushed and nuzzled against her hand loving the subtle warm it gave off, i hum out a 'yes' and look up at her with my eyes half closed.

" Alrighty Garny, i will see you in the morning. Nighty night" I mumble and walk off to my room to get some well needed rest that i have craved for a few hours.

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