Questions & Bonding

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okay so i was wondering what should Garnet's and Indy's fusion be? im thinking along the lines of a moonstone?


" I have met many Lapis Lazuli's in my life time but i must say...i have never met one quite like you Indy?"

" i guess I'm just different."

" but who's court where you previously in?"

" It doesn't matter now."

" don't lazuli's wear some sort of dress?"

"most do."

"aren't they usually moody and a-"

"-kill joy? not all are."

"why did you come to earth?"

"i have my reasons and so do you."

"who was your diamond?"

"dose it honestly matter to you THAT flipping much."

"why don't you make it final and join the rebellion?"

"i don't want to."

"so you root for HomeWorld?"

" no, i do not."

"why do-"

I stood up from the rock i was previously sitting on and faced her beyond annoyed at this point, i glared at her and she stepped back from my expression.

" Stop Being So Damn Nosey!? I Don't Have To Tell You Anything I Do Not Wish Too!?" i snapped at her with my canines barred and fists clenched.

Garnet heard me raising my voice and quickly came over with Rose by her side i only faced away from them and turnt to face Pearl fully, " Indigo."


" My diamond, Indigo Diamond."

And with that i walked off to my room in the temple to try and cool my nerves, Pearl stood there in shock before breaking out of her daze by Rose tapping her shoulder.

" is everything alright Pearl? why did Indy raise her voice with you? did you two get into a disagreement?" Rose prodded curiously

"I wanted answers....I pushed her for them when i shouldn't of." Pearl said avoiding their gazes

" oh Pearl, some gems are a bit touchy with certain things you need to tread carefully around some and when i say 'some' i mean in this circumstance, Indy." Rose softly reminded Pearl who just nodded before biting her lip and turning her nose up before walking off to her room.

"I hope those two will eventually get along with each other they would make such a great pair! i could just see them holding hands and smiling at one another cheerfully it would be- so cute! , don't you agree Garnet?" Rose looked at Garnet with an eye brow raised and an unfaltering smile while Garnet had her fists clenched and a frown on her face and was struggling to just keep her comments in as she bit her tongue all Garnet did was force a nod, Rose's face lit up and she had stars in her eyes as she continued to ramble on.

" i had heard from a Ruby before the war that some gems just 'pretend' to hate someone because they love them! i don't know how it works but it is kind of like they ACT as if they dislike their love interest for reasons unknown to me!" Rose just kept on, fueling Garnets internal flame even more.

3rd POV

Indy came out of her room later that night when she decided to get some fresh air she was thinking all about the things Pearl had nagged her about earlier Pearls words wouldn't leave her concuss no matter how hard she had tried, she reached the shore line and got seated on the now cold sand. She sighed and looked up at the night sky gazing at all the stars above her in silent content as a frown stuck on her face even when someone joined her placing a warm hand on her right shoulder in a comforting manner still then Indy did not meet their gaze, the gem that had accompanied her sighed deeply before shuffling closer to Indy before pulling the smaller gem to her making it so the smol was leaning against the gem.

" You alright now?"

"Garnet? i uh I'm alright i suppose. why are you here?" Indy looked to the side more only to come face to face with the fusion.

" i came to check up on you, i was concerned when you stormed off earlier" Garnet said matter-o-factly, Indy blushed when she felt the larger gems hot breath on her neck, Garnet pulled Indy onto her lap and held her close.

Indy just went with it and cuddled up to her capture who in return blushed and smiled down at the gem in her arms.

"You might-en want to talk about this but...i do want answers not as much as Pearl but not as less as Rose, do you mind answering a few questions of mine?" Garnet said carefully as not to anger Indy

" for you, of course." Indy said finally.

" what rank did you have on HomeWorld?"

" i had a very high rank despite my gemstone, i was my diamonds right hand gal"

" who previously was your diamond?"

"Indigo Diamond"

" i had only ever heard of stories about her none of which were anything good, what was she like?"

" She was...something special. Thats what White Diamond had told her i mean, she was caring and loved all the gems in her court ranging from topaz's to emerald's to painites and pestinites! she never agreed with the rules that were set and was a unpredictable gem. My Diamond was just another gem, she wanted to be just like us...she treated everyone equally and never once had she EVER allowed White Diamond to claim any of the gems in her court...she was different?"

Garnet watched Indy with great interest blushing once her gaze landed on the other gems lips...

"Garnet? are you alright?" Indy pressed against her more, Garnet blushed even more while snapping her gaze back up to Indy's eyes which she immediately got lost in she tried so hard to focus but whenever she had found herself around the dark toned gem she just couldn't, Garnet nodded.

"Your a lapis lazuli correct?" Indy nodded " Your not like any Lazuli we have ever met? why is that?" The Question was more to herself than to Indy

"i guess I'm just...defective? I'm an an off color Garnet it isn't that hard to miss every gem i had met made it obvious to me, my hips are a bit too wide my chest a bit too large my body is a bit too curvy my lips a bit too plump while my personality all together is too wild hyperactive unpredictable and all over the place I'm just a tad bit too tall not to mention i cant sum-"

Garnet pressed her finger to Indy's lips cutting her off suddenly, Indy embarrassingly looked at Garnet with wide eyes.

" your perfect just the way you are and no matter what someone may say, don't ever change yourself for them because..."

"because?" Indy prodded curiously as Garnets gaze softened under her visors and her thumb caressed Indy's lower lip lovingly.

"because just by being yourself is what made us fall i-"

"GARNET! INDY! ROSE HAS A MISSION FOR US TO GO ON!?" Pearls voice rung out across the silent beach making the two jump slightly, they got up Garnet offering indy a hand in which she gladly took with a smile.

they walked towards the temple where the warp pad layed await for them.

"Have you met ay other fusions before? mixed us?" Garnet suddenly questioned with high hopes which made Indy smile warmly " almost too many to recall, i had met a fusion like you a few times, a ruby and sapphire i mean. they were all so nice and so different from eachother that it was so hard not to love them! i miss them greatly though...but! i have fusion here with me now that i am not letting go easily."

Garnet couldnt help but smile at that even when Pearl asked why she looked so happy Garnet would just look in Indy's direction and ignore the whole question together

SU Indigo DiamondNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ